name: umi_tools version: 1.0 description: Tools for dealing with Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMIs)/Random Molecular Tags (RMTs) and single cell RNA-Seq cell barcodes. keywords: - UMI - RMT - Barcode tools: - umi_tools: description: | Tools for dealing with Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMIs)/Random Molecular Tags (RMTs) and single cell RNA-Seq cell barcodes. homepage: documentation: processes: - dedup: opperation: | Set command args to params.umitools_dedup_args The program will execute with the following pattern: umi_tools dedeup ARGS -I $bam -S SAMPLE_ID.dedup.bam --output-stats=SAMPLE_ID description: | Groups PCR duplicates and deduplicates reads to yield one read per group. Use this when you want to remove the PCR duplicates prior to any downstream analysis. input: - sample_id: type: string description: Sample identifier - bai: type: file description: BAM file index - bam: type: file description: BAM sequence file output: - dedupBam: type: tuple description: A tuple of samples id and output bam file pattern: *SAMPLE_ID.dedup.bam - report: type: file description: Log file for the umi_tools opperation pattern: *SAMPLE_ID.dedup.log authors: - @candiceh08 - @chris-cheshire