name: maltextract description: Tool for evaluation of MALT results for true positives of ancient metagenomic taxonomic screening keywords: - malt - MaltExtract - HOPS - alignment - metagenomics - ancient DNA - aDNA - palaeogenomics - archaeogenomics - microbiome - authentication - damage - edit distance tools: - maltextract: description: Java tool to work with ancient metagenomics homepage: documentation: tool_dev_url: doi: "" licence: ["GPL 3"] input: - rma6: type: file description: RMA6 files from MALT pattern: "*.rma6" - taxon_list: type: file description: List of target taxa to evaluate pattern: "*.txt" - ncbi_dir: type: directory description: Directory containing NCBI taxonomy map and tre files pattern: "${ncbi_dir}/" output: - versions: type: file description: File containing software versions pattern: "versions.yml" - results: type: directory description: Directory containing MaltExtract text results files pattern: "*.rma6" authors: - "@jfy133"