name: macs2_callpeak description: Peak calling of enriched genomic regions of ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq experiments keywords: - alignment - atac-seq - chip-seq - peak-calling tools: - macs2: description: Model Based Analysis for ChIP-Seq data homepage: None documentation: tool_dev_url: doi: "" licence: ["BSD"] input: - meta: type: map description: | Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] - ipbam: type: file description: The ChIP-seq treatment file - controlbam: type: file description: The control file - macs2_gsize: type: string description: Effective genome size. It can be 1.0e+9 or 1000000000, or shortcuts:'hs' for human (2.7e9), 'mm' for mouse (1.87e9), 'ce' for C. elegans (9e7) and 'dm' for fruitfly (1.2e8) output: - versions: type: file description: File containing software version pattern: "versions.yml" - peak: type: file description: BED file containing annotated peaks pattern: "*.gappedPeak,*.narrowPeak}" - xls: type: file description: xls file containing annotated peaks pattern: "*.xls" - gapped: type: file description: Optional BED file containing gapped peak pattern: "*.gappedPeak" - bed: type: file description: Optional BED file containing peak summits locations for every peak pattern: "*.bed" - bdg: type: file description: Optional bedGraph files for input and treatment input samples pattern: "*.bdg" authors: - "@ntoda03" - "@JoseEspinosa" - "@jianhong"