name: antismash_antismashlite description: antiSMASH allows the rapid genome-wide identification, annotation and analysis of secondary metabolite biosynthesis gene clusters. keywords: - secondary metabolites - BGC - biosynthetic gene cluster - genome mining - NRPS - RiPP - antibiotics - prokaryotes - bacteria - eukaryotes - fungi - antismash tools: - antismashlite: description: "antiSMASH - the antibiotics and Secondary Metabolite Analysis SHell" homepage: "" documentation: "" tool_dev_url: "" doi: "10.1093/nar/gkab335" licence: "['AGPL v3']" input: - meta: type: map description: | Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] - sequence_input: type: file description: nucleotide sequence file (annotated) pattern: "*.{gbk, gb, gbff, genbank, embl}" - databases: type: directory description: downloaded antismash databases e.g. data/databases pattern: "*" - antismash_dir: type: directory description: | antismash installation folder which is being modified during the antiSMASH database downloading step. The modified files are normally downloaded by download-antismash-databases itself, and must be retrieved by the user by manually running the command within antismash-lite. As this folder cannot be modified within the docker and singularity containers, it needs to be mounted (including all modified files from the downloading step) as a workaround. pattern: "*" output: - meta: type: map description: | Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] - versions: type: file description: File containing software versions pattern: "versions.yml" - clusterblast_file: type: file description: Output of ClusterBlast algorithm pattern: "clusterblast/*_c*.txt" - css_file: type: file description: Style sheet containing the formatting of HTML output pattern: "css/*.css" - image_directory: type: directory description: image files for web view of antiSMASH results pattern: "images" - javascript: type: file description: JavaScript files pattern: "js/*.js" - knownclusterblast_html: type: file description: Tables with MIBiG hits in HTML format pattern: "knownclusterblast/region*/ctg*.html" - knownclusterblast_txt: type: file description: Tables with MIBiG hits pattern: "knownclusterblast/*_c*.txt" - svg_files_clusterblast: type: file description: SVG image showing the % identity of the aligned hits against their queries pattern: "svg/clusterblast*.svg" - svg_files_knownclusterblast: type: file description: SVG image showing the % identity of the aligned hits against their queries pattern: "svg/knownclusterblast*.svg" - gbk_input: type: file description: Nucleotide sequence + annotations in GenBank file format; converted from input file pattern: "*.gbk" - json_results: type: file description: Simple representation of all detected areas during the antiSMASH run in JSON format pattern: "*.json" - log: type: file description: Contains all the logging output that antiSMASH produced during its run pattern: "*.log" - zip: type: file description: Contains a compressed version of the folder in zip format pattern: "*.zip" - gbk_results: type: file description: Nucleotide sequence + annotations in GenBank file format; one file per antiSMASH hit pattern: "*region*.gbk" - clusterblastoutput: type: file description: Raw BLAST output of known clusters previously predicted by antiSMASH using the built-in ClusterBlast algorithm pattern: "clusterblastoutput.txt" - html: type: file description: Graphical web view of results in HTML format patterN: "index.html" - knownclusterblastoutput: type: file description: Raw BLAST output of known clusters of the MIBiG database pattern: "knownclusterblastoutput.txt" - json_sideloading: type: file description: Sideloaded annotations of protoclusters and/or subregions (see documentation "Annotation sideloading") pattern: "regions.js" authors: - "@jasmezz"