name: gunc_downloaddb description: Download database for GUNC detection of Chimerism and Contamination in Prokaryotic Genomes keywords: - download - prokaryote - assembly - genome - quality control - chimeras tools: - gunc: description: Python package for detection of chimerism and contamination in prokaryotic genomes. homepage: documentation: tool_dev_url: doi: "10.1186/s13059-021-02393-0" licence: ["GNU General Public v3 or later (GPL v3+)"] input: - db_name: type: string description: "Which database to download. Options: progenomes or gtdb" pattern: "progenomes|gtdb" output: - versions: type: file description: File containing software versions pattern: "versions.yml" - db: type: file description: GUNC database file pattern: "*.dmnd" authors: - "@jfy133"