name: medaka description: A tool to create consensus sequences and variant calls from nanopore sequencing data keywords: - assembly - polishing - nanopore tools: - medaka: description: Neural network sequence error correction. homepage: documentation: tool_dev_url: doi: "" licence: ["Mozilla Public License 2.0"] input: - meta: type: map description: | Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] - reads: type: file description: List of input nanopore fasta/FastQ files pattern: "*.{fasta,fa,fastq,fastq.gz,fq,fq.gz}" - assembly: type: file description: Genome assembly pattern: "*.{fasta,fa}" output: - meta: type: map description: | Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] - versions: type: file description: File containing software versions pattern: "versions.yml" - assembly: type: file description: Polished genome assembly pattern: "*.fa.gz" authors: - "@avantonder"