name: snippy_run description: Rapid haploid variant calling keywords: - variant - fastq - bacteria tools: - snippy: description: "Rapid bacterial SNP calling and core genome alignments" homepage: "" documentation: "" tool_dev_url: "" doi: "" licence: "['GPL v2']" input: - meta: type: map description: | Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] - reads: type: file description: | List of input FastQ files of size 1 and 2 for single-end and paired-end data, respectively. pattern: "*.{fq,fastq,fq.gz,fastq.gz}" - index: type: file description: Reference genome in GenBank (preferred) or FASTA format pattern: "*.{gbk,gbk.gz,fa,fa.gz}" output: - meta: type: map description: | Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] - versions: type: file description: File containing software versions pattern: "versions.yml" - tab: type: file description: A simple tab-separated summary of all the variants pattern: "*.tab" - csv: type: file description: A comma-separated version of the .tab file pattern: "*.csv" - html: type: file description: A HTML version of the .tab file pattern: "*.html" - vcf: type: file description: The final annotated variants in VCF format pattern: "*.vcf" - bed: type: file description: The variants in BED format pattern: "*.bed" - gff: type: file description: The variants in GFF3 format pattern: "*.gff" - bam: type: file description: The alignments in BAM format. Includes unmapped, multimapping reads. Excludes duplicates. pattern: "*.bam" - bai: type: file description: Index for the .bam file pattern: "*.bam.bai" - log: type: file description: A log file with the commands run and their outputs pattern: "*.log" - aligned_fa: type: file description: A version of the reference but with - at position with depth=0 and N for 0 < depth < --mincov (does not have variants) pattern: "*.aligned.fa" - consensus_fa: type: file description: A version of the reference genome with all variants instantiated pattern: "*.consensus.fa" - consensus_subs_fa: type: file description: A version of the reference genome with only substitution variants instantiated pattern: "*.consensus.subs.fa" - raw_vcf: type: file description: The unfiltered variant calls from Freebayes pattern: "*.raw.vcf" - filt_vcf: type: file description: The filtered variant calls from Freebayes pattern: "*.filt.vcf" - vcf_gz: type: file description: Compressed .vcf file via BGZIP pattern: "*.vcf.gz" - vcf_csi: type: file description: Index for the .vcf.gz via bcftools index pattern: "*.vcf.gz.csi" - txt: type: file description: Tab-separated columnar list of statistics pattern: "*.txt" authors: - "@rpetit3"