name: fargene description: tool that takes either fragmented metagenomic data or longer sequences as input and predicts and delivers full-length antiobiotic resistance genes as output. keywords: - antibiotic resistance genes - ARGs - identifier - metagenomic - contigs tools: - fargene: description: Fragmented Antibiotic Resistance Gene Identifier takes either fragmented metagenomic data or longer sequences as input and predicts and delivers full-length antiobiotic resistance genes as output homepage: documentation: tool_dev_url: doi: "" licence: ["MIT"] input: - meta: type: map description: | Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] - input: type: file description: uncompressed fasta file or paired-end fastq files containing either genomes or longer contigs as nucleotide or protein sequences (fasta) or fragmented metagenomic reads (fastq) pattern: "*.{fasta}" - hmm_model: type: string description: name of custom hidden markov model to be used [pre-defined class_a, class_b_1_2, class_b_3, class_c, class_d_1, class_d_2, qnr, tet_efflux, tet_rpg, tet_enzyme] output: - meta: type: map description: | Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] - versions: type: file description: File containing software versions pattern: "versions.yml" - log: type: file description: log file pattern: "*.{log}" - txt: type: file description: analysis summary text file pattern: "*.{txt}" - hmm: type: file description: output from hmmsearch pattern: "*.{out}" - orfs: type: file description: open reading frames (ORFs) pattern: "*.{fasta}" - orfs_amino: type: file description: protein translation of open reading frames (ORFs) pattern: "*.{fasta}" - contigs: type: file description: (complete) contigs that passed the final full-length classification pattern: "*.{fasta}" - contigs_pept: type: file description: parts of the contigs that passed the final classification step that aligned with the HMM, as amino acid sequences pattern: "*.{fasta}" - filtered: type: file description: sequences that passed the final classification step, but only the parts that where predicted by the HMM to be part of the gene pattern: "*.{fasta}" - filtered_pept: type: file description: sequences from filtered.fasta, translated in the same frame as the gene is predicted to be located pattern: "*.{fasta}" - fragments: type: file description: All quality controlled retrieved fragments that were classified as positive, together with its read-pair, gathered in two files pattern: "*.{fastq}" - trimmed: type: file description: The quality controlled retrieved fragments from each input file. pattern: "*.{fasta}" - spades: type: directory description: The output from the SPAdes assembly pattern: "spades_assembly" - metagenome: type: file description: The FASTQ to FASTA converted input files from metagenomic reads. pattern: "*.{fasta}" - tmp: type: file description: The from FASTQ to FASTA converted input files and their translated input sequences. Are only saved if option --store-peptides is used. pattern: "*.{fasta}" authors: - "@louperelo"