name: hamronization_summarize description: Tool to summarize and combine all hAMRonization reports into a single file keywords: - amr - antimicrobial resistance - reporting tools: - hamronization: description: Tool to convert and summarize AMR gene detection outputs using the hAMRonization specification homepage: documentation: tool_dev_url: doi: "" licence: ["GNU Lesser General Public v3 (LGPL v3)"] input: - reports: type: file description: List of multiple hAMRonization reports in either JSON or TSV format pattern: "*.{json,tsv}" - format: type: value description: Type of final combined report file to be produced pattern: "tsv|json|interactive" output: - versions: type: file description: File containing software versions pattern: "versions.yml" - json: type: file description: hAMRonised summary in JSON format pattern: "*.json" - tsv: type: file description: hAMRonised summary in TSV format pattern: "*.json" - html: type: file description: hAMRonised summary in HTML format pattern: "*.html" authors: - "@jfy133"