James A. Fellows Yates e971f538a9
Module new version reporting fixes (#753)
* Specify more guidelines on input channels

* Linting

* Updates based on code review

* Update

* Fix broken sentence

* Fix IQ tree

* Fix picard markdup and merge sam

* Fix plink/vcf version

* Fix plink version output

* Fix prokka version command

* Fix pydamage

* Try fixing markduplicates

* Fix snpEff

* Fix vcftools version

* Fix pydamage and filtersamreads test run

* Fix MarkDuplicates tests

* Add missing unsorted checks

* Remove MD5 sym due to stochasicity in BAM file
2021-09-28 10:51:19 +01:00

47 lines
1.6 KiB

// Import generic module functions
include { initOptions; saveFiles; getSoftwareName; getProcessName } from './functions'
params.options = [:]
options = initOptions(params.options)
process IQTREE {
tag "$alignment"
label 'process_medium'
publishDir "${params.outdir}",
mode: params.publish_dir_mode,
saveAs: { filename -> saveFiles(filename:filename, options:params.options, publish_dir:getSoftwareName(task.process), meta:[:], publish_by_meta:[]) }
conda (params.enable_conda ? 'bioconda::iqtree=2.1.4_beta' : null)
if (workflow.containerEngine == 'singularity' && !params.singularity_pull_docker_container) {
container ""
} else {
container ""
path alignment
val constant_sites
path "*.treefile", emit: phylogeny
path "versions.yml" , emit: version
def software = getSoftwareName(task.process)
def fconst_args = constant_sites ? "-fconst $constant_sites" : ''
def memory = task.memory.toString().replaceAll(' ', '')
iqtree \\
$fconst_args \\
$options.args \\
-s $alignment \\
-nt AUTO \\
-ntmax $task.cpus \\
-mem $memory \\
cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml
${getSoftwareName(task.process)}: \$(echo \$(iqtree -version 2>&1) | sed 's/^IQ-TREE multicore version //;s/ .*//')