Jose Espinosa-Carrasco 32f6191aca
New module: genrich (#877)
* Add genrich module

* Rearrange genrich module from genrich/genrich to genrich

* Remove copy/paste code

* Fix meta.yml

* Implement save_duplicates independently of -r opt
2021-10-22 12:22:02 +02:00

44 lines
2.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
nextflow.enable.dsl = 2
include { GENRICH } from '../../../modules/genrich/' addParams( control_bam: false, pvalues: false, pileup:false, bed:false, blacklist_bed:false, save_duplicates:false, options: ["args": "-p 0.1"] )
include { GENRICH as GENRICH_BLACKLIST } from '../../../modules/genrich/' addParams( control_bam: false, pvalues: false, pileup:false, bed:false, blacklist_bed:true, save_duplicates:false, options: ["args": "-p 0.1"] )
include { GENRICH as GENRICH_ALL_OUTPUTS } from '../../../modules/genrich/' addParams( control_bam: false, pvalues: true, pileup:true, bed:true, blacklist_bed:false, save_duplicates:true, options: ["args": "-r -p 0.1"] )
include { GENRICH as GENRICH_ATACSEQ } from '../../../modules/genrich/' addParams( control_bam: false, pvalues: false, pileup:false, bed:false, blacklist_bed:false, save_duplicates:false, options: ["args": "-j -p 0.1"] )
workflow test_genrich {
input = [ [ id:'test', single_end:false ], // meta map
[ file( params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['illumina']['test_paired_end_name_sorted_bam'], checkIfExists: true) ]]
control = [ ]
blacklist = [ ]
GENRICH ( input, control, blacklist )
workflow test_genrich_ctrl {
input = [ [ id:'test', single_end:false ], // meta map
[ file( params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['illumina']['test_paired_end_name_sorted_bam'], checkIfExists: true) ]]
control = [ file( params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['illumina']['test2_paired_end_name_sorted_bam'], checkIfExists: true) ]
blacklist = [ ]
GENRICH ( input, control, blacklist )
workflow test_genrich_all_outputs {
input = [ [ id:'test', single_end:false ], // meta map
[ file( params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['illumina']['test_paired_end_name_sorted_bam'], checkIfExists: true) ]]
control = [ file( params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['illumina']['test2_paired_end_name_sorted_bam'], checkIfExists: true) ]
blacklist = [ ]
GENRICH_ALL_OUTPUTS ( input, control, blacklist )
workflow test_genrich_atacseq {
input = [ [ id:'test', single_end:false ], // meta map
[ file( params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['illumina']['test_paired_end_name_sorted_bam'], checkIfExists: true) ]]
control = [ file( params.test_data['homo_sapiens']['illumina']['test2_paired_end_name_sorted_bam'], checkIfExists: true) ]
blacklist = [ ]
GENRICH_ATACSEQ ( input, control, blacklist )