<!DOCTYPE html>
  <h1>MillironX's Anatomy Quiz Generator</h1>
  <h2>Quiz material weighting</h2>
  <div id="weights"></div>
  <hr />
    <label for="num-questions">Number of questions </label>
    <input id="num-questions" type="number" value="15" />
  <hr />
  <button id="generator">Generate!</button>
  <hr />
  <ul id="quiz-terms"></ul>

    const BoldTerms = {
      bones: {
        scapula: {
          asymmetric: true,
          features: {
            "glenoid cavity": {
              articulation: "head of humerus",
            spine: {},
            acromion: {
              attachment: "deltoideus",
            "supraspinous fossa": {},
            "infraspinous fossa": {},
            "serrated face": {
              insertion: "serratus ventralis",
            "subscapular fossa": {
              attachment: "subscapularis",
            "cranial border": {},
            "scapular notch": {},
            "cranial angle": {},
            "dorsal border": {},
            "caudal angle": {
              attachment: "rhomboideus",
            "caudal border": {
              attachment: "teres major",
            "infraglenoid tubercle": {
              attachment: "teres minor and long head of the triceps",
            "ventral angle": {},
            neck: {},
            "supraglenoid tubercle": {},
            "coracoid process": {
              attachment: "coracobrachialis",
        humerus: {
          asymmetric: true,
          features: {
            head: {
              articulation: "glenoid cavity",
            "intertubercular groove": {
              originates: "biceps brachii",
            "greater tubercle": {
              insertion: "infraspinatus",
            neck: {},
            "cranial surface": {
              attachment: "brachiocephalicus",
            "crest of the greater tubercle": {
              insertion: "pectorals and cleidobrachialis",
            "lateral surface": {},
            "deltoid tuberosity": {
              insertion: "deltoideus",
            "tricipital line": {
              attachment: "lateral head of triceps",
            "tuberosity of the teres minor": {},
            "brachialis groove": {},
            "lateral supracondylar crest": {
              attachment: "extensor carpi radialis and anconeus",
            "caudal surface": {},
            "crest of the lesser tubercle": {},
            "medial surface": {},
            "teres major tuberosity": {
              insertion: "teres major and latissimus dorsi",
            "humeral condyle": {},
            trochlea: {
              articulation: "radius and ulna",
            capitulum: { articulation: "head of the radius" },
            "lateral epicondyle": {
                "common digital extensor, lateral digital extensor, ulnaris lateralis, supinator",
              attachment: "lateral collateral ligament",
            "medial epicondyle": {
                "flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, pronator teres, superficial and deep digital flexor",
              attachment: "medial collateral ligament",
            "olecranon fossa": { articulation: "anconeal process of ulna" },
            "radial fossa": {},
            "supratrochlear foramen": {},
        radius: {
          asymmetric: true,
          features: {
            head: {},
            "fovea capitis": {
              articulation: "capitulum of humerus",
            "articular circumference": {
              articulation: "radial notch of ulna",
            "radial tuberosity": {
              insertion: "biceps brachii and brachialis",
            body: {},
            trochlea: {},
            "ulnar notch": { articulation: "ulna" },
            "styloid process": { attachment: "medial collateral ligament" },
          ulna: {
            asymmetric: true,
            features: {
              "trochlear notch": {
                articulation: "trochlea of humerus",
              "radial notch": {
                articulation: "articular circumference of radius",
              olecranon: {},
              "olecranon tuber": {},
              "anconeal process": {},
              "medial coronoid process": {},
              "lateral coronoid process": {},
              body: {},
              "ulnar tuberosity": {},
              "interosseous border": {},
              "styloid process": {},
            "intermedioradial carpal": {},
            "ulnar carpal": {},
            "accessory carpal": {},
            "proximal phalanx": {},
            "middle phalanx": {
              features: {
                "ungual crest": {},
                "ungual process": {},
                "flexor tubercle": {},
            "distal phalanx": {},
            "carpal bones": {
              features: {
                I: {},
                II: {},
                III: {},
                IV: {},
                V: {},
            "metacarpal bones": {
              features: {
                base: {},
                body: {},
                head: {},
        "os coxae": {},
        ilium: {
          features: {
            wing: {},
            body: {},
            "iliac crest": {},
            "tuber coxae": {},
            "lateral area for the rectus femoris": {},
            "cranial dorsal iliac spine": {},
            "caudal dorsal iliac spine": {},
            "tuber sacrale": {},
            "greater ischiatic notch": {},
            "gluteal surface": {},
            "sacropelvic surface": {},
            "auricular surface": {},
            "arcuate line": {},
        ischium: {
          features: {
            "ischiatic tuberosity": {},
            body: {},
            "ischiatic spine": {},
            "lesser ischiatic notch": {},
            ramus: {},
            "ischiatic table": {},
            "ischiatic arch": {},
        pubis: {
          features: {
            body: {},
            "cranial ramus": {},
            "caudal ramus": {},
            "obturator sulcus": {},
            "iliopubic eminence": {},
            "pubic tubercle": {},
            pecten: {},
            acetabulum: {},
            "acetabular notch": {},
            "acetabular fossa": {},
            "obturator foramen": {},
        femur: {
          asymmetric: true,
          features: {
            head: {},
            "fovea capitis femoris": {},
            neck: {},
            "greater trochanter": {},
            "trochanteric fossa": {},
            "lesser trochanter": {},
            "intertrochanteric crest": {},
            "third trochanter": {},
            body: {},
            "medial lip": {},
            "lateral lip": {},
            trochlea: {},
            "medial condyle": {},
            "lateral condyle": {},
            "intercondylar fossa": {},
            "medial supracondylar tuberosity": {},
            "lateral supracondylar tuberosity": {},
            "popliteal surface": {},
            "medial epicondyle": {},
            "lateral epicondyle": {},
            "extensor fossa": {},
        tibia: {
          asymmetric: true,
          features: {
            "medial condyle": {},
            "lateral condyle": {},
            "intercondylar eminence": {},
            "cranial intercondylar area": {},
            "caudal intercondylar area": {},
            "popliteal notch": {},
            "tibial tuberosity": {},
            "cranial border": {},
            "extensor groove": {},
            body: {},
            "tibial cochlea": {},
            "medial malleolus": {},
        fibula: {
          features: {
            head: {},
            body: {},
            "lateral malleolus": {},
        calcaneus: {
          features: {
            "tuber calcanei": {},
            "sustentaculum tali": {},
        talus: {
          features: {
            trochlea: {},
        "tarsal bones": {
          I: {},
          II: {},
          III: {},
          IV: {},
        "central tarsal": {},
        "metatarsal bones": {},
      muscles: {
        "cutaneous trunci": {},
        "preputial muscle": {},
        "superficial pectoral": {
          features: {
            "descending pectoral": {
              origin: "cranial sternebrae",
              insertion: "greater tubercle of humerus",
              action: "adduct forelimb",
            "transverse pectoral": {
              origin: "cranial sternebrae",
              insertion: "greater tubercle of humerus",
              action: "adduct forelimb",
        "deep pectoral": {
          origin: "ventral sternum",
          insertion: "fleshy",
          action: "flex and extend shoulder joint",
        brachiocephalicus: {
          features: {
            cleidobrachialis: {
              origin: "clavicle",
              insertion: "cranial border of humerus",
              action: "extend shoulder joint",
            cleidocephalicus: {
              origin: "clavicle",
              insertion: "occipital bone",
              action: "extend shoulder joint",
        sternocephalicus: {
          features: {
            "mastoid part": {
              origin: "first sternebra",
              insertion: "mastoid part of temporal bone",
              action: "draw head and neck to the side",
            "occipital part": {
              origin: "first sternebra",
              insertion: "nuchal crest of occipital bone",
              action: "draw head and neck to the side",
        sternohyoideus: {
          origin: "first sternebra and first costal cartilage",
          insertion: "basihyoid bone",
          action: "pull the tongue and larynx caudally",
        sternothyroideus: {
          origin: "first costal cartilage",
          insertion: "caudolateral surface of thyroid cartilage",
          action: "pull the tongue and larynx caudally",
        omotransversarius: {
            "distal end of spine of the scapula and the transverse process of the atlas",
          action: "advance the limb or flex the neck laterally",
        trapezius: {
          features: {
            "cervical part": {
              origin: "supraspinous ligament",
              insertion: "spine of scapula",
              action: "abduction of forelimb",
            "thoracic part": {
              origin: "supraspinous ligament",
              insertion: "spine of scapula",
              action: "abduction of forelimb",
        rhomboideus: {
          features: {
            "rhomboideus capitis": {
              origin: "nuchal crest of occipital bone",
              insertion: "dorsal border of scapula",
              action: "elevate the forelimb",
            "rhomboideus cervicis": {
              origin: "median fibrous raphe of neck",
              insertion: "dorsal border of scapula",
              action: "elevate the forelimb",
            "rhomboideus thoracis": {
              origin: "spinous process of first seven thoracic vertebrae",
              insertion: "dorsal border of scapula",
              action: "elevate the forelimb",
        "latissimus dorsi": {
          origin: "thoracolumbar fascia",
          insertion: "teres major tuberosity",
          action: "flexion of shoulder joint",
        "serratus ventralis": {
          origin: "transverse processes of cervical vertebrae and ribs",
          insertion: "serrated face of the scapula",
          action: "to support the trunk",
        deltoideus: {
          features: {
            "scapular part": {
              origin: "spine of the scapula",
              insertion: "deltoid tuberosity",
              action: "flexion of shoulder joint",
            "acromial part": {
              origin: "acromion of the scapula",
              insertion: "deltoid tuberosity",
              action: "flexion of shoulder joint",
        infraspinatus: {
          origin: "infraspinous fossa of scapula",
          insertion: "greater tubercle of humerus",
            "to abduct the shoulder, flex or extend the shoulder joint, or to rotate the humerus laterally",
        "teres minor": {
          origin: "infraglenoid tubercle",
          insertion: "teres minor tuberosity",
          action: "flexion of shoulder",
        supraspinatus: {
          origin: "supraspinous fossa",
          insertion: "greater tubercle of humerus",
          action: "extension of shoulder joint",
        subscapularis: {
          origin: "subscapular fossa",
          insertion: "lesser tubercle of humerus",
          action: "adduction and extension of shoulder joint",
        "teres major": {
          origin: "caudal angle of scapula",
          insertion: "teres major tuberosity",
          action: "flexion of shoulder joint",
        coracobrachialis: {
          origin: "coracoid process",
          insertion: "lesser tubercle of humerus",
          action: "adduction and extension of shoulder joint",
        "tensor fasciae antebrachii": {
          origin: "lateral fascia of latissimus dorsi",
          insertion: "olecranon",
          action: "extension of elbow joint",
        "triceps brachii": {
          features: {
            "long head": {
              origin: "caudal border of scapula",
              insertion: "olecranon tuber",
              action: "extension of elbow joint",
            "lateral head": {
              origin: "tricipital line of humerus",
              insertion: "olecranon tuber",
              action: "extension of elbow joint",
            "accessory head": {
              origin: "neck of humerus",
              insertion: "olecranon tuber",
              action: "extension of elbow joint",
            "medial head": {
              origin: "lesser tubercle of humerus",
              insertion: "olecranon",
              action: "extension of elbow joint",
        anconeus: {
            "lateral supracondylar crest, lateral and medial epicondyles of humerus",
          insertion: "olecranon",
          action: "extension of elbow joint",
        "biceps brachii": {
          origin: "supraglenoid tubercle",
          insertion: "ulnar and radial tuberosities",
          action: "flexion of elbow joint and extension of shoulder joint",
        brachialis: {
          origin: "lateral surface of humerus",
          insertion: "ulnar and radial tuberosities",
          action: "flexion of elbow joint",
        "extensor carpi radialis": {
          origin: "lateral supracondylar crest",
          insertion: "base of metacarpals II and III",
          action: "extension of carpal joints",
        "common digital extensor": {
          origin: "lateral epicondyle of humerus",
          insertion: "distal phalanges II, III, IV, and V",
          action: "extension of phalanges",
        "lateral digital extensor": {
          origin: "lateral epicondyle of humerus",
          insertion: "proximal phalanges III, IV, and V",
          action: "extension of carpal joints",
        "ulnaris lateralis": {
          origin: "lateral epicondyle of humerus",
          insertion: "proximal metacarpal V and accessory carpal bone",
          action: "flexion of carpal joints",
        supinator: {
          origin: "lateral epicondyle of humerus",
          insertion: "cranial surface of radius",
          action: "supinate forelimb",
        "abductor digiti longus I": {
          origin: "lateral border of ulna",
          insertion: "proximal metacarpal I",
          action: "abduction of digit I",
        "pronator teres": {
          origin: "medial epicondyle of humerus",
          insertion: "medial border of radius",
          action: "pronate forelimb",
        "flexor carpi radialis": {
          origin: "medial epicondyle of humerus",
          insertion: "base of metacarpals II and III",
          action: "flexion of carpal joints",
        "superficial digital flexor": {
          origin: "medial epicondyle of humerus",
          insertion: "base of middle phalanges II, II, IV, and V",
          action: "flexion of carpal joints",
        "flexor carpi ulnaris": {
          features: {
            "ulnar head": {
              origin: "caudal border of olecranon",
              insertion: "accessory carpal bone",
              action: "flexion of carpus",
            "humeral head": {
              origin: "medial epicondyle of humerus",
              insertion: "accessory carpal bone",
              action: "flexion of carpus",
        "deep digital flexor": {
          features: {
            "humeral head": {
              origin: "medial epicondyle of humerus",
              insertion: "distal phalanges",
              action: "flexion of carpal and metacarpophalangeal joints",
            "radial head": {
              origin: "medial border of radius",
              insertion: "distal phalanges",
              action: "flexion of carpal and metacarpophalangeal joints",
            "ulnar head": {
              origin: "caudal border of ulna",
              insertion: "distal phalanges",
              action: "flexion of carpal and metacarpophalangeal joints",
        "pronator quadratus": {
          attachment: "surface of radius and ulna",
          action: "pronation of paw",
        "biceps femoris": {
          origin: "ischiatic tuberosity",
          insertion: "tuber calcanei",
          action: "extension of hip, stifle and tarsal joints",
        semitendinosus: {
          origin: "ischiatic tuberosity",
          insertion: "tuber calcanei",
            "extension of the hip joint and tarsal joints and flexion of the stifle joint",
        semimembranosus: {
          origin: "ischiatic tuberosity",
          insertion: "medial condyle of tibia",
          action: "extension of hip joint",
        sartorius: {
          features: {
            "cranial part": {
              origin: "crest of ilium",
              insertion: "patella",
              action: "extension of stifle joint",
            "caudal part": {
              origin: "cranial ventral iliac spine",
              insertion: "cranial border or tibia",
              action: "flexion of stifle joint",
        gracilis: {
          origin: "pelvic symphysis",
          insertion: "tuber calcanei",
            "adduction of hindlimb, flexion of stifle joint, and extension of hip and tarsal joints",
        pectineus: {
          origin: "iliopubic eminence",
          insertion: "medial lip of femur",
          action: "adduction of hindlimb",
        adductor: {
          features: {
            "adductor magnus et brevis": {
              origin: "ischiatic arch",
              insertion: "lateral lip of femur",
              action: "adduction of hindlimb",
            "adductor longus": {
              origin: "ischiatic arch",
              insertion: "lateral lip of femur",
              action: "adduction of hindlimb",
        "tensor fasciae latae": {
          origin: "tuber coxae",
          insertion: "fasciae latae",
          action: "flexion of hip joint, extension of stifle joint",
        "superficial gluteal": {
          origin: "sacrum",
          insertion: "third trochanter",
          action: "extension of hip joint",
        "middle gluteal": {
          origin: "gluteal surface of ilium",
          insertion: "greater trochanter",
          action: "extension of hip joint",
        "deep gluteal": {
          origin: "body of ilium",
          insertion: "greater trochanter",
          action: "extension of hip joint",
        "articularis coxae": {},
        "internal obturator": {
          origin: "symphysis pelvis",
          insertion: "trochanteric fossa",
          action: "lateral rotation of pelvic limb",
        gemelli: {
          origin: "lateral surface of ischium",
          insertion: "trochanteric fossa",
          action: "lateral rotation of pelvic limb",
        "quadratus femoris": {
          origin: "ventral surface of ischium",
          insertion: "intertrochanteric crest",
          action: "extension of hip joint",
        "external obturator": {
          origin: "ventral surface of pubis and ischium",
          insertion: "trochanteric fossa",
          action: "lateral rotation of pelvic limb",
        "quadriceps femoris": {
          features: {
            "rectus femoris": {
              origin: "ilium",
              insertion: "tibial tuberosity",
              action: "extension of stifle joint and flexion of hip joint",
            "vastus lateralis": {
              origin: "ilium",
              insertion: "tibial tuberosity",
              action: "extension of stifle joint",
            "vastus intermedius": {
              origin: "ilium",
              insertion: "tibial tuberosity",
              action: "extension of stifle joint",
            "vastus medialis": {
              origin: "ilium",
              insertion: "tibial tuberosity",
              action: "extension of stifle joint",
        iliopsoas: {
          features: {
            "psoas major": {
              origin: "lumbar vertebrae",
              insertion: "lesser trochanter",
              action: "flexion of hip joint",
            iliacus: {
              origin: "cranioventral ilium",
              insertion: "lesser trochanter",
              action: "flexion of hip joint",
        "quadratus lumborum": {},
        "cranial tibial": {
          origin: "extensor groove",
          insertion: "base of metatarsals I and II",
          action: "flexion of tarsocrural joint",
        "long digital extensor": {
          origin: "extensor fossa",
          insertion: "distal phalanges",
          action: "extension of digital joints and flexion of tarsal joints",
        "fibularis longus": {
          origin: "lateral condyle of tibia",
          insertion: "fourth tarsal and base of metatarsals",
          action: "flexion of tarsal joints",
        gastrocnemius: {
          features: {
            "lateral head": {
              origin: "lateral supracondylar tuberosity of femur",
              insertion: "tuber calcanei",
              action: "extension of tarsal joints and flexion of stifle joint",
            "medial head": {
              origin: "medial supracondylar tuberosity of femur",
              insertion: "tuber calcanei",
              action: "extension of tarsal joints and flexion of stifle joint",
        "superficial digital flexor": {
          origin: "lateral supracondylar tuberosity",
          insertion: "tuber calcanei and middle phalanges II, III, IV, and V",
            "flexion of digital joints, flexion of stifle joints, extension of tarsal joints",
        "deep digital flexor (hindlimb)": {},
        popliteus: {
          origin: "lateral epicondyle of femur",
          insertion: "caudal surface of tibia",
          action: "medial rotation of hindlimb",
      joints: {
        humeral: {},
        cubiti: {},
        metacarpophalangeal: {},
        "antebrachiocarpal joint": {},
        "middle carpal joint": {},
        "carpometacarpal joint": {},
        "proximal interphalangeal joint": {},
        "distal interphalangeal joint": {},
      ligaments: {
        "supraspinous ligament": {},
        "nuchal ligament": {},
        "palmar annular ligament": {},
        "annular digital ligament": {},
        "medial glenohumeral ligament": {},
        "lateral glenohumeral ligament": {},
        "lateral collateral ligament": {},
        "medial collateral ligament": {},
        "interosseous ligament": {},
        "palmar carpal ligament": {},
        "symphysial tendon": {},
        "common calcanean tendon": {},
      other: {
        "superficial cervical lymph node": {},
        "carotid sheath": {},
        "thoracic mammae": {
          features: {
            "cranial thoracic mammae": {},
            "caudal thoracic mammae": {},
        "abdominal mammae": {
          features: {
            "cranial abdominal mammae": {},
            "caudal abdominal mammae": {},
        "inguinal mammae": {},
        "costal arch": {},
        "subtendious synovial bursa": {},
        "transverse humeral retinaculum": {},
        "intertubercular bursa": {},
        "extensor retinaculum": {},
        "flexor retinaculum": {},
        "flexor manica": {},
        "digital synovial sheath": {},
        "transverse humeral retinaculum": {},
        "popliteal lymph node": {},
        "femoral triangle": {},
        "crural extensor retinaculum": {},
        "tarsal extensor retinaculum": {},

    function structure_question(structure, props) {
      let quiz_list = [];

      quiz_list.push(`id: ${structure}`);

      let questions = [];
      if ("features" in props) {
        for (feature in props["features"]) {
          questions = feature_question(
            `${feature} of ${structure}`,
      } else {
        questions = feature_question(structure, props);

      for (const question of questions) {

      return quiz_list;

    function feature_question(feature, props) {
      let quiz_list = [];

      quiz_list.push(`id: ${feature}`);

      for (const prop in props) {
        if (prop != "asymmetric") {
          quiz_list.push(property_question(feature, prop, props[prop]));

      return quiz_list;

    function property_question(feature, prop_name, prop_content) {
      return `${prop_name}: ${feature} (${prop_content})`;

    const weights_spinner_div = document.getElementById("weights");
    for (structure_type in BoldTerms) {
      const form_div = document.createElement("div");
      const weight_spinner = document.createElement("input");
      weight_spinner.setAttribute("id", `${structure_type}-weight`);
      weight_spinner.setAttribute("type", "number");
      weight_spinner.setAttribute("value", "10");
      const weight_spinner_label = document.createElement("label");
      weight_spinner_label.setAttribute("for", `${structure_type}-weight`);
      weight_spinner_label.textContent = `${structure_type} `;

    // Shamelessly stolen from
    // https://github.com/trekhleb/javascript-algorithms/blob/master/src/algorithms/statistics/weighted-random/weightedRandom.js
    function weighted_random(items, weights) {
      const cumulativeWeights = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < weights.length; i += 1) {
        cumulativeWeights[i] = weights[i] + (cumulativeWeights[i - 1] || 0);
      const maxCumulativeWeight =
        cumulativeWeights[cumulativeWeights.length - 1];
      const randomNumber = maxCumulativeWeight * Math.random();

      for (let itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < items.length; itemIndex += 1) {
        if (cumulativeWeights[itemIndex] >= randomNumber) {
          return items[itemIndex];

    // Shamelessly stolen from
    // https://stackoverflow.com/a/15106541
    function random_child(object) {
      const keys = Object.keys(object);
      const i = Math.floor(Math.random() * keys.length);
      return {
        key: keys[i],
        object: object[keys[i]],

    const terms_list = document.getElementById("quiz-terms");

    function generate_quiz() {
      terms_list.innerHTML = "";

      let weights = [];
      let types = [];

      for (structure_type in BoldTerms) {

      const num_questions = document.getElementById("num-questions").value;
      for (let i = 0; i <= num_questions; i += 1) {
        // Pick the random category
        const structure_type = weighted_random(types, weights);

        // Pick a random structure from that category
        const rand_structure = random_child(BoldTerms[structure_type]);

        // Get the list of questions for that structure
        const questions = structure_question(

        // Get a random question from that list
        const rand_question =
          questions[Math.floor(Math.random() * questions.length)];

        // Add that structure to the list
        let term_item = document.createElement("li");
        term_item.innerHTML = rand_question;

      .addEventListener("click", generate_quiz);
