2021-04-07 17:04:47 -04:00
2021-04-13 12:05:59 -04:00
# Renames the FASTQ files in a directory by prepending the well number based on
# a MiSeq run workbook
2021-04-07 17:04:47 -04:00
# Activate the proper packages
using Tk
import XLSX
using DataFrames
using Missings
# Prompt for the folder containing the FASTQs
fastq_folder = ChooseDirectory()
# Prompt for the Illumina workbook containing the well info
illumina_workbook = GetOpenFile()
# Read in the excel file
xf = XLSX.readdata(illumina_workbook, "IEM_SampleSheet!B19:D300")
fastq_ids = DataFrame(xf, :auto)
rename!(fastq_ids, Symbol.(["SampleId", "RunName", "WellNum"]))
fastq_ids = string.(fastq_ids)
# Get all of the files
fastqs = readdir(fastq_folder)
# Iterate through each file
for fastq in fastqs
# Get the full path
fastq_path = joinpath(fastq_folder, fastq)
# Delete if this is a JSON file
if last(fastq,5) == ".json"
println(string("Deleting ", fastq_path))
# Pull the id based on the file name
id = first(fastq,21)
# Find this id in the workbook
id_row = fastq_ids[fastq_ids.SampleId .== id,:]
# If there are no matches, keep going
if size(id_row)[1] < 1
# Swap the column and row
2021-04-08 10:37:18 -04:00
well_num = string(last(id_row.WellNum[1],2), first(id_row.WellNum[1],1))
2021-04-07 17:04:47 -04:00
# Construct the new filename
fastq_newname = string(well_num, "_", fastq)
# Rename the file
mv(fastq_path, joinpath(fastq_folder, fastq_newname))
println(string("Renaming ", fastq_path, " to ", joinpath(fastq_folder, fastq_newname)))