# StarLIMS Data Pull Pulls positive SC2 sample IDs and relevant dates from StarLIMS. **NOTE:** These scripts are encrypted, but are generally intended for use on Windows machines. Decrypt them on a Linux/Mac machine using the [entire repo instructions](https://github.com/MillironX/sc2-sequencing/blob/master/README.md), then copy over using a secure flash drive or similar method. ## Usage Double-click `refresh-lims-data.bat` in any location. ## Installation This script requires [Miniconda](https://conda.io/en/master/miniconda.html#windows-installers). 1. Download and install Miniconda 1. Select "Just Me" when asked who to install for 2. All other default options will work 2. Press `Win+R`, type `%USERPROFILE%` and press Enter 3. Create a new folder called `limsdatapull` 4. Copy all of the decrypted files to `limsdatapull` 5. Open Anaconda console (not PowerShell) from the Start Menu 6. Run `conda create -n limsdatapull -f %USERPROFILE%\limsdatapull\limsdatapull.yaml` 7. Answer `y` to all the prompts 8. Close the console 9. (Optional) Copy `refresh-lims-data.bat` to the Desktop 10. (Optional) Set up a scheduled task to run `refresh-lims-data.bat` regularly When `refresh-lims-data.bat` is run, a new file called `SequenceDatabase.xlsx` will be added to `limsdatapull`. This file can be referenced by other spreadsheets for efficient and timely lookup data from StarLIMS.