You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

84 lines
2.4 KiB

import * as core from "@actions/core"
import * as tc from "@actions/tool-cache"
import retry from "async-retry"
import * as fs from "fs"
import semver from "semver"
import { NextflowRelease } from "./nextflow-release"
export async function get_nextflow_release(
version: string,
releases: NextflowRelease[] | AsyncGenerator<NextflowRelease>
): Promise<NextflowRelease> {
// The releases are sent in reverse chronological order
// If we are sent a numbered tag, then back through the list until we find
// a release that fulfils the requested version number
for await (const release of releases) {
if (semver.satisfies(release.version, version, true)) {
return release
// We should never get here, but just in case
return {} as NextflowRelease
export async function install_nextflow(
release: NextflowRelease,
get_all: boolean
): Promise<string> {
const url = get_all ? release.allBinaryURL : release.binaryURL
const version = release.version
core.debug(`Downloading Nextflow from ${url}`)
const nf_dl_path = await retry(
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
async bail => {
return await tc.downloadTool(url)
onRetry: err => {
core.debug(`Download of ${url} failed, trying again. Error ${err}`)
const temp_install_dir = fs.mkdtempSync(`nxf-${version}`)
const nf_path = `${temp_install_dir}/nextflow`
try {
fs.renameSync(nf_dl_path, nf_path)
} catch (err: unknown) {
core.debug(`Failed to rename file: ${err}`)
fs.copyFileSync(nf_dl_path, nf_path)
fs.chmodSync(nf_path, "0711")
return temp_install_dir
export function check_cache(version: string): boolean {
// A 'latest*' version indicates that a cached version would be invalid until
// the version is resolved: abort
if (version.includes("latest")) {
return false
const cleaned_version = semver.clean(version, true)
if (cleaned_version === null) {
return false
const resolved_version = String(cleaned_version)
const nf_path = tc.find("nextflow", resolved_version)
if (!nf_path) {
core.debug(`Could not find Nextflow ${resolved_version} in the tool cache`)
return false
} else {
core.debug(`Found Nextflow ${resolved_version} at path '${nf_path}'`)
core.debug(`Adding '${nf_path}' to PATH`)
return true