Bootstrap: library From: default/alpine:3.14.0 %post # Install java and bash (for Nextflow) apk add --no-cache openjdk8 bash # Make versioning easier VARSCAN_VERSION='v2.4.4' # Download varscan wget -O /opt/varscan.jar # Create a shim for varscan echo "#!/bin/bash" > /usr/local/bin/varscan echo "java -jar /opt/varscan.jar \"\$@\"" >> /usr/local/bin/varscan chmod +x /usr/local/bin/varscan %test cat << "EOF" > /tmp/ #!/bin/bash CMDS=('bash' 'ps' 'java' 'varscan') for CMD in "${CMDS[@]}"; do if ! command -v "$CMD"; then echo "command $CMD not found!" FAILED_TESTS=1 fi done # Abort if a test failed if [ -n "$FAILED_TESTS" ]; then exit 1 fi EOF chmod +x /tmp/ bash /tmp/ %runscript varscan "$@" %labels Author SoftwareVersion v2.4.4 SingularityDefinitionVersion 1 %help VarScan ======= VarScan is a platform-independent mutation caller for targeted, exome, and whole-genome resequencing data generated on Illumina, SOLiD, Life/PGM, Roche/454, and similar instruments. It can be used to detect different types of variation: - Germline variants (SNPs an dindels) in individual samples or pools of samples. - Multi-sample variants (shared or private) in multi-sample datasets (with mpileup). - Somatic mutations, LOH events, and germline variants in tumor-normal pairs. - Somatic copy number alterations (CNAs) in tumor-normal exome data. For more help, see - -