Bootstrap: library From: millironx/default/htslib:1.13 %post # Install dependencies apk add --no-cache python3 libcurl # Install build dependencies apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps py-pip g++ musl-dev make python3-dev boost-dev curl-dev # Install python package dependencies pip install --no-cache-dir biopython==1.79 numpy==1.21.2 # Make versioning easier SHORAH_VERSION=1.99.2 # Download the source tarball and build cd /tmp || exit 1 wget$SHORAH_VERSION/shorah-$SHORAH_VERSION.tar.bz2 -O shorah-$SHORAH_VERSION.tar.bz2 tar xjvf shorah-$SHORAH_VERSION.tar.bz2 cd shorah-$SHORAH_VERSION ./configure make make install cd .. || exit 1 rm -rf shorah-$SHORAH_VERSION* cd || exit 1 # Cleanup build packages apk del --no-cache .build-deps %test test_command () { if ! command -v "${1}"; then echo "command ${1} not found!" export FAILED_TESTS=1 fi } test_command bash test_command ps test_command shorah test_command b2w test_command diri_sampler test_command fil if [ -n "$FAILED_TESTS" ]; then exit 1 fi %runscript shorah "$@" %labels Author SoftwareVersion 2.0.2 SingularityDefinitionVersion 1 %help ShoRAH ====== ShoRAH is an open source project for the analysis of next generation sequencing data. It is designed to analyse genetically heterogeneous samples. Its tools are written in different programming languages and provide error correction, haplotype reconstruction and estimation of the frequency of the different genetic variants present in a mixed sample. For more help, see - -