diff --git a/docs/output.md b/docs/output.md
index b9a7a64..12a4194 100644
--- a/docs/output.md
+++ b/docs/output.md
@@ -209,20 +209,27 @@ You will only recieve the FASTQs and `*classifiedreads.txt` file if you supply `
### KrakenUniq
+[KrakenUniq](https://github.com/fbreitwieser/krakenuniq) (formerly KrakenHLL) is an extenson to the fast k-mer-based classification [Kraken](https://github.com/DerrickWood/kraken) with an efficient algorithm for additionally assessing the coverage of unique k-mers found in each species in a dataset.
Output files
-- `krakenuniq`
- - `.classified.fastq.gz`
- - `.krakenuniq.classified.txt`
- - `.krakenuniq.report.txt`
- - `.unclassified.fastq.gz`
- ## interleaved?
+- `krakenuniq/`
+ - /
+ - `_.classified.fastq.gz`: FASTQ file containing all reads that had a hit against a reference in the database for a given sample
+ - `_.unclassified.fastq.gz`: FASTQ file containing all reads that did not have a hit in the database for a given sample
+ - `_.report.txt`: A Kraken2-style report that summarises the fraction abundance, taxonomic ID, number of Kmers, taxonomic path of all the hits, with an additional column for k-mer coverage, that allows for more accurate distinguishing between false-positive/true-postitive hits
+ - `_.classifiedreads.txt`: A list of read IDs and the hits each read had against each database for a given sample
+The main taxonomic profiling file from KrakenUniq is the `*report.txt` file. This is an extension of the Kraken2 report with the additional k-mer coverage information that provides more information about the accuracy of hits.
+> ⚠️ The output system of KrakenUniq can result in other `stdout` or `stderr` logging information being saved in the report file, therefore you must check your report files before downstream use!
+You will only receive the FASTQs and `*classifiedreads.txt` file if you supply `--krakenuniq_save_reads` and/or `--krakenuniq_save_readclassification` parameters to the pipeline.
### Centrifuge