process TAXPASTA_MERGE { tag "$" label 'process_single' conda "bioconda::taxpasta=0.2.0" container "${ workflow.containerEngine == 'singularity' && !task.ext.singularity_pull_docker_container ? '': '' }" input: tuple val(meta), path(profiles) path taxonomy path samplesheet output: tuple val(meta), path("*.{tsv,csv,arrow,parquet,biom}"), emit: merged_profiles path "versions.yml" , emit: versions when: task.ext.when == null || task.ext.when script: // N.B.: Taxpasta requires a --profiler option and will fail without it. // This must be specified via a `nextflow.config` or `modules.config`, for // example, as "--profiler kraken2". Additionally, it requires a --output // option with the output file name. The desired format will be parsed from // the name and should correspond to the output pattern specified above, // e.g., "--output ${task.ext.prefix}.tsv". def args = task.ext.args ?: '' def prefix = task.ext.prefix ?: "${}" def taxonomy_option = taxonomy ? "--taxonomy ${taxonomy}" : '' def samplesheet_input = samplesheet ? "-s ${samplesheet}" : '' """ taxpasta merge \\ $args \\ $taxonomy_option \\ $samplesheet_input \\ $profiles cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml "${task.process}": taxpasta: \$(taxpasta --version) END_VERSIONS """ }