report_comment: > This report has been generated by the nf-core/taxprofiler analysis pipeline. For information about how to interpret these results, please see the documentation. report_section_order: "nf-core-taxprofiler-methods-description": order: -1000 software_versions: order: -1001 "nf-core-taxprofiler-summary": order: -1002 export_plots: true custom_logo: "nf-core-taxprofiler_logo_custom_light.png" custom_logo_url: custom_logo_title: "nf-core/taxprofiler" run_modules: - fastqc - adapterRemoval - bbduk - prinseqplusplus - fastp - filtlong - bowtie2 - minimap2 - samtools - kraken - kaiju - metaphlan - diamond - malt - motus - porechop - custom_content #extra_fn_clean_exts: # - '_fastp' # - '.pe.settings' # - '.se.settings' top_modules: - "fastqc": name: "FastQC (pre-Trimming)" path_filters: - "*raw_*" - "fastqc": name: "Falco (pre-Trimming)" path_filters: - "*_raw_falco_*_report.html" - "fastp" - "adapterRemoval" - "porechop" - "fastqc": name: "FastQC (post-Trimming)" path_filters: - "*_processed_*" - "fastqc": name: "Falco (post-Trimming)" path_filters: - "*_processed_falco_*_report.html" - "bbduk" - "prinseqplusplus" - "filtlong" - "bowtie2": name: "bowtie2" - "samtools": name: "Samtools Stats" - "kraken": name: "Kraken" path_filters: - "*" - "kraken": name: "Bracken" anchor: "bracken" target: "Bracken" doi: "10.7717/peerj-cs.104" info: "Estimates species abundances in metagenomics samples by probabilistically re-distributing reads in the taxonomic tree." extra: "Note: plot title will say Kraken2 due to the first step of bracken producing the same output format as Kraken. Abundance information is currently not supported in MultiQC." path_filters: - "*" - "kraken": name: "Centrifuge" anchor: "centrifuge" target: "Centrifuge" doi: "10.1101/gr.210641.116" info: "is a very rapid and memory-efficient system for the classification of DNA sequences from microbial samples. The system uses a novel indexing scheme based on the Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) and the Ferragina-Manzini (FM) index. Note: Figure title" extra: "Note: plot title will say Kraken2 due to Centrifuge producing the same output format as Kraken. If activated, see the actual Kraken2 results in the section above." path_filters: - "*.centrifuge.txt" - "malt": name: "MALT" - "diamond" - "kaiju": name: "Kaiju" - "motus" #It is not possible to set placement for custom kraken and centrifuge columns. table_columns_placement: FastQC (pre-Trimming): total_sequences: 100 avg_sequence_length: 110 percent_duplicates: 120 percent_gc: 130 percent_fails: 140 Falco (pre-Trimming): total_sequences: 200 avg_sequence_length: 210 percent_duplicates: 220 percent_gc: 230 percent_fails: 240 fastp: pct_adapter: 300 pct_surviving: 310 pct_duplication: 320 after_filtering_gc_content: 330 after_filtering_q30_rate: 340 after_filtering_q30_bases: 350 Adapter Removal: aligned_total: 360 percent_aligned: 370 percent_collapsed: 380 percent_discarded: 390 FastQC (post-Trimming): total_sequences: 400 avg_sequence_length: 410 percent_duplicates: 420 percent_gc: 430 percent_fails: 440 Falco (post-Trimming): total_sequences: 500 avg_sequence_length: 510 percent_duplicates: 520 percent_gc: 530 percent_fails: 540 bowtie2: overall_alignment_rate: 600 Samtools Stats: raw_total_sequences: 700 reads_mapped: 710 reads_mapped_percent: 720 reads_properly_paired_percent: 730 non-primary_alignments: 740 reads_MQ0_percent: 750 error_rate: 760 MALT: Num. of queries: 1000 Total reads: 1100 Mappability: 1200 Assig. Taxonomy: 1300 Taxonomic assignment success: 1400 Kaiju: assigned: 2000 "% Assigned": 2100 "% Unclassified": 2200 table_columns_visible: FastQC (pre-Trimming): total_sequences: True avg_sequence_length: True percent_duplicates: True percent_gc: True percent_fails: False Falco (pre-Trimming): total_sequences: True avg_sequence_length: True percent_duplicates: True percent_gc: True percent_fails: False fastp: pct_adapter: True pct_surviving: True pct_duplication: False after_filtering_gc_content: False after_filtering_q30_rate: False after_filtering_q30_bases: False Adapter Removal: aligned_total: True percent_aligned: True percent_collapsed: True percent_discarded: False FastQC (post-Trimming): total_sequences: True avg_sequence_length: True percent_duplicates: False percent_gc: False percent_fails: False Falco (post-Trimming): total_sequences: True avg_sequence_length: True percent_duplicates: False percent_gc: False percent_fails: False bowtie2: overall_alignment_rate: True Samtools Stats: raw_total_sequences: True reads_mapped: True reads_mapped_percent: True reads_properly_paired_percent: False non-primary_alignments: False reads_MQ0_percent: False error_rate: False Kraken: "% Unclassified": True "% Top 5": False Bracken: "% Unclassified": True "% Top 5": False Centrifuge: "% Unclassified": True "% Top 5": False MALT: Num. of queries: True Total reads: True Mappability: True Assig. Taxonomy: False Taxonomic assignment success: True Kaiju: assigned: False "% Assigned": False "% Unclassified": True table_columns_name: FastQC (pre-Trimming): total_sequences: "Nr. Input Reads" avg_sequence_length: "Length Input Reads" percent_gc: "% GC Input Reads" percent_duplicates: "% Dups Input Reads" percent_fails: "% Failed Input Reads" Falco (pre-Trimming): total_sequences: "Nr. Input Reads" avg_sequence_length: "Length Input Reads" percent_gc: "% GC Input Reads" percent_duplicates: "% Dups Input Reads" percent_fails: "% Failed Input Reads" FastQC (post-Trimming): total_sequences: "Nr. Processed Reads" avg_sequence_length: "Length Processed Reads" percent_gc: "% GC Processed Reads" percent_duplicates: "% Dups Processed Reads" percent_fails: "% Failed Processed Reads" Falco (post-Trimming): total_sequences: "Nr. Processed Reads" avg_sequence_length: "Length Processed Reads" percent_gc: "% GC Processed Reads" percent_duplicates: "% Dups Processed Reads" percent_fails: "% Failed Processed Reads" Samtools Stats: raw_total_sequences: "Nr. Reads Into Mapping" reads_mapped: "Nr. Mapped Reads" reads_mapped_percent: "% Mapped Reads" extra_fn_clean_exts: - "" - ".centrifuge.txt" - "" - ".settings"