// // Check input samplesheet and get read channels // include { EIDO_VALIDATE } from '../../modules/nf-core/eido/validate/main' include { EIDO_CONVERT } from '../../modules/nf-core/eido/convert/main' workflow INPUT_CHECK { take: samplesheet_or_pep_config // file: /path/to/samplesheet.csv or /path/to/pep/config.yaml pep_input_base_dir main: ch_versions = Channel.empty() EIDO_VALIDATE ( samplesheet_or_pep_config, file("$projectDir/assets/samplesheet_schema.yaml"), pep_input_base_dir ) ch_versions = ch_versions.mix(EIDO_VALIDATE.out.versions) EIDO_CONVERT ( samplesheet_or_pep_config, "csv", pep_input_base_dir ) ch_versions = ch_versions.mix(EIDO_CONVERT.out.versions) ch_parsed_samplesheet = EIDO_CONVERT.out.samplesheet_converted .splitCsv ( header:true, sep:',' ) .map { check_missing_and_singleend_autodetect(it) } .branch { fasta: it['fasta'] != '' nanopore: it['instrument_platform'] == 'OXFORD_NANOPORE' fastq: true } ch_parsed_samplesheet.fastq .map { create_fastq_channel(it) } .set { fastq } ch_parsed_samplesheet.nanopore .map { create_fastq_channel(it) } .set { nanopore } ch_parsed_samplesheet.fasta .map { create_fasta_channel(it) } .set { fasta } emit: fastq = fastq ?: [] // channel: [ val(meta), [ reads ] ] nanopore = nanopore ?: [] // channel: [ val(meta), [ reads ] ] fasta = fasta ?: [] // channel: [ val(meta), fasta ] versions = ch_versions // channel: [ versions.yml ] } // Function to validate input sheet and auto-detect R1/R2 def check_missing_and_singleend_autodetect(LinkedHashMap row) { // Checks not supported by EIDO(?) if ( ( row['fastq_1'] != "" || row['fastq_2'] != "" ) && row['fasta'] != "" ) { exit 1, "[nf-core/taxprofiler] ERROR: FastQ and FastA files cannot be specified together in the same library. Check input samplesheet! Check sample: ${row['sample']}" } if ( row['fastq_1'] == "" && row['fastq_2'] != "" ) { exit 1, "[nf-core/taxprofiler] ERROR: Input samplesheet has a missing fastq_1 when fastq_2 is specified. Check sample: ${row['sample']}" } single_end = row['fastq_2'] == "" ? true : false row['single_end'] = single_end return row } // Function to get list of [ meta, [ fastq_1, fastq_2 ] ] def create_fastq_channel(LinkedHashMap row) { // create meta map def meta = [:] meta.id = row.sample meta.run_accession = row.run_accession meta.instrument_platform = row.instrument_platform meta.single_end = row.single_end.toBoolean() meta.is_fasta = false // add path(s) of the fastq file(s) to the meta map def fastq_meta = [] if (!file(row.fastq_1).exists()) { exit 1, "ERROR: Please check input samplesheet -> Read 1 FastQ file does not exist!\n${row.fastq_1}" } if (meta.single_end) { fastq_meta = [ meta, [ file(row.fastq_1) ] ] } else { if (meta.instrument_platform == 'OXFORD_NANOPORE') { if (row.fastq_2 != '') { exit 1, "ERROR: Please check input samplesheet -> For Oxford Nanopore reads Read 2 FastQ should be empty!\n${row.fastq_2}" } fastq_meta = [ meta, [ file(row.fastq_1) ] ] } else { if (!file(row.fastq_2).exists()) { exit 1, "ERROR: Please check input samplesheet -> Read 2 FastQ file does not exist!\n${row.fastq_2}" } fastq_meta = [ meta, [ file(row.fastq_1), file(row.fastq_2) ] ] } } return fastq_meta }// Function to get list of [ meta, fasta ] def create_fasta_channel(LinkedHashMap row) { def meta = [:] meta.id = row.sample meta.run_accession = row.run_accession meta.instrument_platform = row.instrument_platform meta.single_end = true meta.is_fasta = true def array = [] if (!file(row.fasta).exists()) { exit 1, "ERROR: Please check input samplesheet -> FastA file does not exist!\n${row.fasta}" } array = [ meta, [ file(row.fasta) ] ] return array }