description: A schema for validation of samplesheet.csv for taxprofiler pipeline. imports: - properties: samples: type: array items: type: object properties: sample: type: string description: "Sample identifier." pattern: "^\\S*$" run_accession: type: string description: "Run accession number." instrument_platform: type: string description: "Name of the platform that sequenced the samples." enum: [ "ABI_SOLID", "BGISEQ", "CAPILLARY", "COMPLETE_GENOMICS", "DNBSEQ", "HELICOS", "ILLUMINA", "ION_TORRENT", "LS454", "OXFORD_NANOPORE", "PACBIO_SMRT", ] fastq1: type: ["string", "null"] description: "Optional FASTQ file for read 1 of paired-end sequenced libraries." pattern: "^[\\S]+.(fq\\.gz|fastq\\.gz)$" fastq2: type: ["string", "null"] description: "Optional FASTQ file for read 2 of paired-end sequenced libraries." pattern: "^[\\S]+.(fq\\.gz|fastq\\.gz)$" fasta: type: ["string", "null"] description: "Optional FASTA file." pattern: "^[\\S]+.(fa\\.gz|fasta\\.gz)$" required: - sample - run_accession - instrument_platform files: - fastq1 - fastq2 - fasta required: - samples