/* Process short raw reads with FastP */ include { FASTP as FASTP_SINGLE } from '../../modules/nf-core/modules/fastp/main' include { FASTP as FASTP_PAIRED } from '../../modules/nf-core/modules/fastp/main' workflow SHORTREAD_FASTP { take: reads // file: /path/to/samplesheet.csv main: ch_versions = Channel.empty() ch_multiqc_files = Channel.empty() // // STEP: Read clipping and merging // ch_input_for_fastp = reads .dump(tag: "pre-fastp_branch") .branch{ single: it[0]['single_end'] == true paired: it[0]['single_end'] == false } ch_input_for_fastp.single.dump(tag: "input_fastp_single") ch_input_for_fastp.paired.dump(tag: "input_fastp_paired") FASTP_SINGLE ( ch_input_for_fastp.single, false, false ) FASTP_PAIRED ( ch_input_for_fastp.paired, false, params.shortread_clipmerge_mergepairs ) if ( params.shortread_clipmerge_mergepairs ) { ch_fastp_reads_prepped = FASTP_PAIRED.out.reads_merged .mix( FASTP_SINGLE.out.reads ) .map { meta, reads -> def meta_new = meta.clone() meta_new['single_end'] = 1 [ meta_new, reads ] } } else { ch_fastp_reads_prepped = FASTP_PAIRED.out.reads .mix( FASTP_SINGLE.out.reads ) } ch_versions = ch_versions.mix(FASTP_SINGLE.out.versions.first()) ch_versions = ch_versions.mix(FASTP_PAIRED.out.versions.first()) ch_processed_reads = ch_fastp_reads_prepped.dump(tag: "ch_fastp_reads_prepped") ch_multiqc_files = ch_multiqc_files.mix( FASTP_SINGLE.out.json.collect{it[1]} ) ch_multiqc_files = ch_multiqc_files.mix( FASTP_PAIRED.out.json.collect{it[1]} ) ch_multiqc_files.dump(tag: "preprocessing_fastp_mqc_final") emit: reads = ch_processed_reads // channel: [ val(meta), [ reads ] ] versions = ch_versions // channel: [ versions.yml ] mqc = ch_multiqc_files }