// // This file holds several functions used to perform JSON parameter validation, help and summary rendering for the nf-core pipeline template. // import org.everit.json.schema.Schema import org.everit.json.schema.loader.SchemaLoader import org.everit.json.schema.ValidationException import org.json.JSONObject import org.json.JSONTokener import org.json.JSONArray import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import groovy.json.JsonBuilder class NfcoreSchema { // // Resolve Schema path relative to main workflow directory // public static String getSchemaPath(workflow, schema_filename='nextflow_schema.json') { return "${workflow.projectDir}/${schema_filename}" } // // Function to loop over all parameters defined in schema and check // whether the given parameters adhere to the specifications // /* groovylint-disable-next-line UnusedPrivateMethodParameter */ public static void validateParameters(workflow, params, log, schema_filename='nextflow_schema.json') { def has_error = false //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// // Check for nextflow core params and unexpected params def json = new File(getSchemaPath(workflow, schema_filename=schema_filename)).text def Map schemaParams = (Map) new JsonSlurper().parseText(json).get('definitions') def nf_params = [ // Options for base `nextflow` command 'bg', 'c', 'C', 'config', 'd', 'D', 'dockerize', 'h', 'log', 'q', 'quiet', 'syslog', 'v', 'version', // Options for `nextflow run` command 'ansi', 'ansi-log', 'bg', 'bucket-dir', 'c', 'cache', 'config', 'dsl2', 'dump-channels', 'dump-hashes', 'E', 'entry', 'latest', 'lib', 'main-script', 'N', 'name', 'offline', 'params-file', 'pi', 'plugins', 'poll-interval', 'pool-size', 'profile', 'ps', 'qs', 'queue-size', 'r', 'resume', 'revision', 'stdin', 'stub', 'stub-run', 'test', 'w', 'with-charliecloud', 'with-conda', 'with-dag', 'with-docker', 'with-mpi', 'with-notification', 'with-podman', 'with-report', 'with-singularity', 'with-timeline', 'with-tower', 'with-trace', 'with-weblog', 'without-docker', 'without-podman', 'work-dir' ] def unexpectedParams = [] // Collect expected parameters from the schema def expectedParams = [] def enums = [:] for (group in schemaParams) { for (p in group.value['properties']) { expectedParams.push(p.key) if (group.value['properties'][p.key].containsKey('enum')) { enums[p.key] = group.value['properties'][p.key]['enum'] } } } for (specifiedParam in params.keySet()) { // nextflow params if (nf_params.contains(specifiedParam)) { log.error "ERROR: You used a core Nextflow option with two hyphens: '--${specifiedParam}'. Please resubmit with '-${specifiedParam}'" has_error = true } // unexpected params def params_ignore = params.schema_ignore_params.split(',') + 'schema_ignore_params' def expectedParamsLowerCase = expectedParams.collect{ it.replace("-", "").toLowerCase() } def specifiedParamLowerCase = specifiedParam.replace("-", "").toLowerCase() def isCamelCaseBug = (specifiedParam.contains("-") && !expectedParams.contains(specifiedParam) && expectedParamsLowerCase.contains(specifiedParamLowerCase)) if (!expectedParams.contains(specifiedParam) && !params_ignore.contains(specifiedParam) && !isCamelCaseBug) { // Temporarily remove camelCase/camel-case params #1035 def unexpectedParamsLowerCase = unexpectedParams.collect{ it.replace("-", "").toLowerCase()} if (!unexpectedParamsLowerCase.contains(specifiedParamLowerCase)){ unexpectedParams.push(specifiedParam) } } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// // Validate parameters against the schema InputStream input_stream = new File(getSchemaPath(workflow, schema_filename=schema_filename)).newInputStream() JSONObject raw_schema = new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(input_stream)) // Remove anything that's in params.schema_ignore_params raw_schema = removeIgnoredParams(raw_schema, params) Schema schema = SchemaLoader.load(raw_schema) // Clean the parameters def cleanedParams = cleanParameters(params) // Convert to JSONObject def jsonParams = new JsonBuilder(cleanedParams) JSONObject params_json = new JSONObject(jsonParams.toString()) // Validate try { schema.validate(params_json) } catch (ValidationException e) { println '' log.error 'ERROR: Validation of pipeline parameters failed!' JSONObject exceptionJSON = e.toJSON() printExceptions(exceptionJSON, params_json, log, enums) println '' has_error = true } // Check for unexpected parameters if (unexpectedParams.size() > 0) { Map colors = NfcoreTemplate.logColours(params.monochrome_logs) println '' def warn_msg = 'Found unexpected parameters:' for (unexpectedParam in unexpectedParams) { warn_msg = warn_msg + "\n* --${unexpectedParam}: ${params[unexpectedParam].toString()}" } log.warn warn_msg log.info "- ${colors.dim}Ignore this warning: params.schema_ignore_params = \"${unexpectedParams.join(',')}\" ${colors.reset}" println '' } if (has_error) { System.exit(1) } } // // Beautify parameters for --help // public static String paramsHelp(workflow, params, command, schema_filename='nextflow_schema.json') { Map colors = NfcoreTemplate.logColours(params.monochrome_logs) Integer num_hidden = 0 String output = '' output += 'Typical pipeline command:\n\n' output += " ${colors.cyan}${command}${colors.reset}\n\n" Map params_map = paramsLoad(getSchemaPath(workflow, schema_filename=schema_filename)) Integer max_chars = paramsMaxChars(params_map) + 1 Integer desc_indent = max_chars + 14 Integer dec_linewidth = 160 - desc_indent for (group in params_map.keySet()) { Integer num_params = 0 String group_output = colors.underlined + colors.bold + group + colors.reset + '\n' def group_params = params_map.get(group) // This gets the parameters of that particular group for (param in group_params.keySet()) { if (group_params.get(param).hidden && !params.show_hidden_params) { num_hidden += 1 continue; } def type = '[' + group_params.get(param).type + ']' def description = group_params.get(param).description def defaultValue = group_params.get(param).default != null ? " [default: " + group_params.get(param).default.toString() + "]" : '' def description_default = description + colors.dim + defaultValue + colors.reset // Wrap long description texts // Loosely based on https://dzone.com/articles/groovy-plain-text-word-wrap if (description_default.length() > dec_linewidth){ List olines = [] String oline = "" // " " * indent description_default.split(" ").each() { wrd -> if ((oline.size() + wrd.size()) <= dec_linewidth) { oline += wrd + " " } else { olines += oline oline = wrd + " " } } olines += oline description_default = olines.join("\n" + " " * desc_indent) } group_output += " --" + param.padRight(max_chars) + colors.dim + type.padRight(10) + colors.reset + description_default + '\n' num_params += 1 } group_output += '\n' if (num_params > 0){ output += group_output } } if (num_hidden > 0){ output += colors.dim + "!! Hiding $num_hidden params, use --show_hidden_params to show them !!\n" + colors.reset } output += NfcoreTemplate.dashedLine(params.monochrome_logs) return output } // // Groovy Map summarising parameters/workflow options used by the pipeline // public static LinkedHashMap paramsSummaryMap(workflow, params, schema_filename='nextflow_schema.json') { // Get a selection of core Nextflow workflow options def Map workflow_summary = [:] if (workflow.revision) { workflow_summary['revision'] = workflow.revision } workflow_summary['runName'] = workflow.runName if (workflow.containerEngine) { workflow_summary['containerEngine'] = workflow.containerEngine } if (workflow.container) { workflow_summary['container'] = workflow.container } workflow_summary['launchDir'] = workflow.launchDir workflow_summary['workDir'] = workflow.workDir workflow_summary['projectDir'] = workflow.projectDir workflow_summary['userName'] = workflow.userName workflow_summary['profile'] = workflow.profile workflow_summary['configFiles'] = workflow.configFiles.join(', ') // Get pipeline parameters defined in JSON Schema def Map params_summary = [:] def params_map = paramsLoad(getSchemaPath(workflow, schema_filename=schema_filename)) for (group in params_map.keySet()) { def sub_params = new LinkedHashMap() def group_params = params_map.get(group) // This gets the parameters of that particular group for (param in group_params.keySet()) { if (params.containsKey(param)) { def params_value = params.get(param) def schema_value = group_params.get(param).default def param_type = group_params.get(param).type if (schema_value != null) { if (param_type == 'string') { if (schema_value.contains('$projectDir') || schema_value.contains('${projectDir}')) { def sub_string = schema_value.replace('\$projectDir', '') sub_string = sub_string.replace('\${projectDir}', '') if (params_value.contains(sub_string)) { schema_value = params_value } } if (schema_value.contains('$params.outdir') || schema_value.contains('${params.outdir}')) { def sub_string = schema_value.replace('\$params.outdir', '') sub_string = sub_string.replace('\${params.outdir}', '') if ("${params.outdir}${sub_string}" == params_value) { schema_value = params_value } } } } // We have a default in the schema, and this isn't it if (schema_value != null && params_value != schema_value) { sub_params.put(param, params_value) } // No default in the schema, and this isn't empty else if (schema_value == null && params_value != "" && params_value != null && params_value != false) { sub_params.put(param, params_value) } } } params_summary.put(group, sub_params) } return [ 'Core Nextflow options' : workflow_summary ] << params_summary } // // Beautify parameters for summary and return as string // public static String paramsSummaryLog(workflow, params) { Map colors = NfcoreTemplate.logColours(params.monochrome_logs) String output = '' def params_map = paramsSummaryMap(workflow, params) def max_chars = paramsMaxChars(params_map) for (group in params_map.keySet()) { def group_params = params_map.get(group) // This gets the parameters of that particular group if (group_params) { output += colors.bold + group + colors.reset + '\n' for (param in group_params.keySet()) { output += " " + colors.blue + param.padRight(max_chars) + ": " + colors.green + group_params.get(param) + colors.reset + '\n' } output += '\n' } } output += "!! Only displaying parameters that differ from the pipeline defaults !!\n" output += NfcoreTemplate.dashedLine(params.monochrome_logs) return output } // // Loop over nested exceptions and print the causingException // private static void printExceptions(ex_json, params_json, log, enums, limit=5) { def causingExceptions = ex_json['causingExceptions'] if (causingExceptions.length() == 0) { def m = ex_json['message'] =~ /required key \[([^\]]+)\] not found/ // Missing required param if (m.matches()) { log.error "* Missing required parameter: --${m[0][1]}" } // Other base-level error else if (ex_json['pointerToViolation'] == '#') { log.error "* ${ex_json['message']}" } // Error with specific param else { def param = ex_json['pointerToViolation'] - ~/^#\// def param_val = params_json[param].toString() if (enums.containsKey(param)) { def error_msg = "* --${param}: '${param_val}' is not a valid choice (Available choices" if (enums[param].size() > limit) { log.error "${error_msg} (${limit} of ${enums[param].size()}): ${enums[param][0..limit-1].join(', ')}, ... )" } else { log.error "${error_msg}: ${enums[param].join(', ')})" } } else { log.error "* --${param}: ${ex_json['message']} (${param_val})" } } } for (ex in causingExceptions) { printExceptions(ex, params_json, log, enums) } } // // Remove an element from a JSONArray // private static JSONArray removeElement(json_array, element) { def list = [] int len = json_array.length() for (int i=0;i if(raw_schema.keySet().contains('definitions')){ raw_schema.definitions.each { definition -> for (key in definition.keySet()){ if (definition[key].get("properties").keySet().contains(ignore_param)){ // Remove the param to ignore definition[key].get("properties").remove(ignore_param) // If the param was required, change this if (definition[key].has("required")) { def cleaned_required = removeElement(definition[key].required, ignore_param) definition[key].put("required", cleaned_required) } } } } } if(raw_schema.keySet().contains('properties') && raw_schema.get('properties').keySet().contains(ignore_param)) { raw_schema.get("properties").remove(ignore_param) } if(raw_schema.keySet().contains('required') && raw_schema.required.contains(ignore_param)) { def cleaned_required = removeElement(raw_schema.required, ignore_param) raw_schema.put("required", cleaned_required) } } return raw_schema } // // Clean and check parameters relative to Nextflow native classes // private static Map cleanParameters(params) { def new_params = params.getClass().newInstance(params) for (p in params) { // remove anything evaluating to false if (!p['value']) { new_params.remove(p.key) } // Cast MemoryUnit to String if (p['value'].getClass() == nextflow.util.MemoryUnit) { new_params.replace(p.key, p['value'].toString()) } // Cast Duration to String if (p['value'].getClass() == nextflow.util.Duration) { new_params.replace(p.key, p['value'].toString().replaceFirst(/d(?!\S)/, "day")) } // Cast LinkedHashMap to String if (p['value'].getClass() == LinkedHashMap) { new_params.replace(p.key, p['value'].toString()) } } return new_params } // // This function tries to read a JSON params file // private static LinkedHashMap paramsLoad(String json_schema) { def params_map = new LinkedHashMap() try { params_map = paramsRead(json_schema) } catch (Exception e) { println "Could not read parameters settings from JSON. $e" params_map = new LinkedHashMap() } return params_map } // // Method to actually read in JSON file using Groovy. // Group (as Key), values are all parameters // - Parameter1 as Key, Description as Value // - Parameter2 as Key, Description as Value // .... // Group // - private static LinkedHashMap paramsRead(String json_schema) throws Exception { def json = new File(json_schema).text def Map schema_definitions = (Map) new JsonSlurper().parseText(json).get('definitions') def Map schema_properties = (Map) new JsonSlurper().parseText(json).get('properties') /* Tree looks like this in nf-core schema * definitions <- this is what the first get('definitions') gets us group 1 title description properties parameter 1 type description parameter 2 type description group 2 title description properties parameter 1 type description * properties <- parameters can also be ungrouped, outside of definitions parameter 1 type description */ // Grouped params def params_map = new LinkedHashMap() schema_definitions.each { key, val -> def Map group = schema_definitions."$key".properties // Gets the property object of the group def title = schema_definitions."$key".title def sub_params = new LinkedHashMap() group.each { innerkey, value -> sub_params.put(innerkey, value) } params_map.put(title, sub_params) } // Ungrouped params def ungrouped_params = new LinkedHashMap() schema_properties.each { innerkey, value -> ungrouped_params.put(innerkey, value) } params_map.put("Other parameters", ungrouped_params) return params_map } // // Get maximum number of characters across all parameter names // private static Integer paramsMaxChars(params_map) { Integer max_chars = 0 for (group in params_map.keySet()) { def group_params = params_map.get(group) // This gets the parameters of that particular group for (param in group_params.keySet()) { if (param.size() > max_chars) { max_chars = param.size() } } } return max_chars } }