/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Config file for defining DSL2 per module options and publishing paths ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Available keys to override module options: ext.args = Additional arguments appended to command in module. ext.args2 = Second set of arguments appended to command in module (multi-tool modules). ext.args3 = Third set of arguments appended to command in module (multi-tool modules). ext.prefix = File name prefix for output files. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ process { publishDir = [ path: { "${params.outdir}/${task.process.tokenize(':')[-1].tokenize('_')[0].toLowerCase()}" }, mode: params.publish_dir_mode, saveAs: { filename -> filename.equals('versions.yml') ? null : filename } ] withName: SAMPLESHEET_CHECK { publishDir = [ path: { "${params.outdir}/pipeline_info" }, mode: params.publish_dir_mode, saveAs: { filename -> filename.equals('versions.yml') ? null : filename } ] } withName: FASTQC { ext.args = '--quiet' } withName: CUSTOM_DUMPSOFTWAREVERSIONS { publishDir = [ path: { "${params.outdir}/pipeline_info" }, mode: params.publish_dir_mode, pattern: '*_versions.yml' ] } }