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Nextflow config file for running minimal tests
Defines input files and everything required to run a fast and simple pipeline test.
Use as follows:
nextflow run nf-core/taxprofiler -profile test,<docker/singularity> --outdir <OUTDIR>
// Separate test as KrakenUniq database can sometimes be too big for GHA
params {
config_profile_name = 'Test profile'
config_profile_description = 'Minimal test to check KrakenUniq function'
// Limit resources so that this can run on GitHub Actions
max_cpus = 2
max_memory = '6.GB'
max_time = '6.h'
// Input data
input = ''
databases = ''
perform_shortread_qc = true
perform_longread_qc = true
shortread_qc_mergepairs = true
perform_shortread_complexityfilter = true
perform_shortread_hostremoval = true
perform_longread_hostremoval = true
perform_runmerging = true
hostremoval_reference = ''
run_kaiju = false
run_kraken2 = false
run_bracken = false
run_malt = false
run_metaphlan3 = false
run_centrifuge = false
run_diamond = false
run_krakenuniq = true
run_motus = false
run_krona = true
krona_taxonomy_directory = ''
malt_save_reads = false
kraken2_save_reads = false
centrifuge_save_reads = false
diamond_save_reads = false
run_profile_standardisation = true
process {
withName: MALT_RUN {
maxForks = 1
maxForks = 1
maxForks = 1