4-H Breeding Beef Project

Section 1
Project Record

all our projects of happiness are liable to be frustrated Webster's 1828 Dictionary

Well, on that encouraging note, let's talk about the most involved section of a record book. Every project you are enrolled in needs a separate Section 1 for each year you are enrolled in it. Section 1 takes up the most time and space in a vetern 4-Her's record book, so we will spend a good deal of time talking about it here.


Juniors (Ages 8-10) Intermediates (Ages 11-13) Seniors (Ages 14+)
Minimum # of Goals Two (2) Three (3) Four (4)
Project Description Addresses who, what, when and where of project qualitatively in less than 300 words.
Size and Scope Includes quantitatative information pertaining to the materials and time required to complete the project. Finacial Information and Market Summary sub-sections should be filled out if applicable to the project.
Knowledge and Skills Aquired Lists things learned in project. Lists things learned in project and addresses each goal. Lists things learned in project and demonstrates how at least 2 goals were met, as well as addressing all goals.
Exhibition Summary Lists exhibitions and placings from entire year.


If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time Zig Ziglar