build based on d28164f
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20 changed files with 1932 additions and 16431 deletions
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// (c) Steven Levithan <>
// MIT License
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// would not find anything if searching for "add!", only for the entire qualification
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// Small function to quickly swap out themes. Gets put into the <head> tag..
function set_theme_from_local_storage() {
// Intialize the theme to null, which means default
// Initialize the theme to null, which means default
var theme = null;
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// documenter theme
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// Get the user-picked theme from localStorage. May be `null`, which means the default
// theme.
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var darkPreference = false;
// Check if the users preference is for dark color scheme
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darkPreference = true;
var darkPreference =
window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches === true;
// Initialize a few variables for the loop:
// - active: will contain the index of the theme that should be active. Note that there
@ -24,43 +21,64 @@ function set_theme_from_local_storage() {
// - disabled: style sheets that should be disabled (i.e. all the theme style sheets
// that are not the currently active theme)
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// The <link> tag of each style sheet is expected to have a data-theme-name attribute
// which must contain the name of the theme. The names in localStorage much match this.
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// attribute not set => non-theme stylesheet => ignore
if(themename === null) continue;
if (themename === null) continue;
// To distinguish the default (primary) theme, it needs to have the data-theme-primary
// attribute set.
var isprimary = (ss.ownerNode.getAttribute("data-theme-primary") !== null);
// Check if the theme is primary dark theme
var isDarkTheme = (ss.ownerNode.getAttribute("data-theme-primary-dark") !== null);
// If ss is for dark theme then set the value of darkTheme to the name of the theme
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if (ss.ownerNode.getAttribute("data-theme-primary") !== null) {
primaryLightTheme = themename;
// Check if the theme is primary dark theme so that we could store its name in darkTheme
if (ss.ownerNode.getAttribute("data-theme-primary-dark") !== null) {
primaryDarkTheme = themename;
// If we find a matching theme (and it's not the default), we'll set active to non-null
if(themename === theme) active = i;
if (themename === theme) active = i;
// Store the style sheets of inactive themes so that we could disable them
if(themename !== theme) disabled.push(ss);
if (themename !== theme) disabled.push(ss);
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var activeTheme = null;
if (active !== null) {
// If we did find an active theme, we'll (1) add the theme--$(theme) class to <html>
document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].className = "theme--" + theme;
// and (2) disable all the other theme stylesheets
ss.disabled = true;
document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].className = "theme--" + theme;
activeTheme = theme;
} else {
// If we did _not_ find an active theme, then we need to fall back to the primary theme
// which can either be dark or light, depending on the user's OS preference.
var activeTheme = darkPreference ? primaryDarkTheme : primaryLightTheme;
// In case it somehow happens that the relevant primary theme was not found in the
// preceding loop, we abort without doing anything.
if (activeTheme === null) {
console.error("Unable to determine primary theme.");
else if(darkTheme !== null && darkPreference === true) {
// If we did find an active theme, we'll (1) add the theme--$(theme) class to <html>
document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].className = "theme--" + darkTheme;
// and (2) disable all the other theme stylesheets
if (ss.ownerNode.getAttribute("data-theme-name") !== darkTheme) {
ss.disabled = true;
// When switching to the primary light theme, then we must not have a class name
// for the <html> tag. That's only for non-primary or the primary dark theme.
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"theme--" + activeTheme;
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var ss = document.styleSheets[i];
// The <link> tag of each style sheet is expected to have a data-theme-name attribute
// which must contain the name of the theme. The names in localStorage much match this.
var themename = ss.ownerNode.getAttribute("data-theme-name");
// attribute not set => non-theme stylesheet => ignore
if (themename === null) continue;
// we'll disable all the stylesheets, except for the active one
ss.disabled = !(themename == activeTheme);
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function maybeAddWarning () {
function maybeAddWarning() {
// in siteinfo.js.
// If either of these are undefined something went horribly wrong, so we abort.
@ -7,43 +7,46 @@ function maybeAddWarning () {
window.DOCUMENTER_CURRENT_VERSION === undefined ||
window.DOCUMENTER_STABLE === undefined
) {
// Current version is not a version number, so we can't tell if it's the newest version. Abort.
if (!/v(\d+\.)*\d+/.test(window.DOCUMENTER_CURRENT_VERSION)) {
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if (document.body.querySelector('meta[name="robots"]') === null) {
const meta = document.createElement('meta');
|||| = 'robots';
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const meta = document.createElement("meta");
|||| = "robots";
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closer.addEventListener('click', function () {
const div = document.createElement("div");
const closer = document.createElement("button");
closer.classList.add("outdated-warning-closer", "delete");
closer.addEventListener("click", function () {
const href = window.documenterBaseURL + '/../' + window.DOCUMENTER_STABLE;
div.innerHTML = 'This documentation is not for the latest version. <br> <a href="' + href + '">Go to the latest documentation</a>.';
const href = window.documenterBaseURL + "/../" + window.DOCUMENTER_STABLE;
div.innerHTML =
'This documentation is not for the latest stable release, but for either the development version or an older release.<br><a href="' +
href +
'">Click here to go to the documentation for the latest stable release.</a>';
if (document.readyState === 'loading') {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', maybeAddWarning);
if (document.readyState === "loading") {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", maybeAddWarning);
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@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
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<html lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTF-8"/><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/><title>Available Cowfiles · cowsay.jl</title><script data-outdated-warner src="../assets/warner.js"></script><link rel="canonical" href=""/><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/><script>documenterBaseURL=".."</script><script src="" data-main="../assets/documenter.js"></script><script src="../siteinfo.js"></script><script src="../../versions.js"></script><link class="docs-theme-link" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../assets/themes/documenter-dark.css" data-theme-name="documenter-dark" data-theme-primary-dark/><link class="docs-theme-link" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../assets/themes/documenter-light.css" data-theme-name="documenter-light" data-theme-primary/><script src="../assets/themeswap.js"></script></head><body><div id="documenter"><nav class="docs-sidebar"><div class="docs-package-name"><span class="docs-autofit"><a href="../">cowsay.jl</a></span></div><form class="docs-search" action="../search/"><input class="docs-search-query" id="documenter-search-query" name="q" type="text" placeholder="Search docs"/></form><ul class="docs-menu"><li><a class="tocitem" href="../">Home</a></li><li class="is-active"><a class="tocitem" href>Available Cowfiles</a><ul class="internal"><li><a class="tocitem" href="#Bovine"><span>Bovine</span></a></li><li><a class="tocitem" href="#Mascots"><span>Mascots</span></a></li><li><a class="tocitem" href="#Cows-and-friends"><span>Cows and friends</span></a></li><li><a class="tocitem" href="#Other"><span>Other</span></a></li></ul></li><li><a class="tocitem" href="../cowfiles/">Make your own Cowfile</a></li></ul><div class="docs-version-selector field has-addons"><div class="control"><span class="docs-label button is-static is-size-7">Version</span></div><div class="docs-selector control is-expanded"><div class="select is-fullwidth is-size-7"><select id="documenter-version-selector"></select></div></div></div></nav><div class="docs-main"><header class="docs-navbar"><nav class="breadcrumb"><ul class="is-hidden-mobile"><li class="is-active"><a href>Available Cowfiles</a></li></ul><ul class="is-hidden-tablet"><li class="is-active"><a href>Available Cowfiles</a></li></ul></nav><div class="docs-right"><a class="docs-edit-link" href="" title="Edit on GitHub"><span class="docs-icon fab"></span><span class="docs-label is-hidden-touch">Edit on GitHub</span></a><a class="docs-settings-button fas fa-cog" id="documenter-settings-button" href="#" title="Settings"></a><a class="docs-sidebar-button fa fa-bars is-hidden-desktop" id="documenter-sidebar-button" href="#"></a></div></header><article class="content" id="documenter-page"><h1 id="Cows"><a class="docs-heading-anchor" href="#Cows">Cows</a><a id="Cows-1"></a><a class="docs-heading-anchor-permalink" href="#Cows" title="Permalink"></a></h1><p>Examples of all the cowfiles available.</p><h2 id="Bovine"><a class="docs-heading-anchor" href="#Bovine">Bovine</a><a id="Bovine-1"></a><a class="docs-heading-anchor-permalink" href="#Bovine" title="Permalink"></a></h2><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.default" href="#Cowsay.default"><code>Cowsay.default</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function default()</code></pre><p>The original cowfile</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Moo", cow=Cowsay.default)
< Moo >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.cower" href="#Cowsay.cower"><code>Cowsay.cower</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function cower()</code></pre><p>A cowering cow</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Is it safe to come out yet?", cow=Cowsay.cower)
< Is it safe to come out yet? >
,__, | |
(oo)\| |___
(__)\| | )\_
| |_w | \
| | || *
</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.moofasa" href="#Cowsay.moofasa"><code>Cowsay.moofasa</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function moofasa()</code></pre><p>MOOfasa</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("It's the circle of life", cow=Cowsay.moofasa)
< It's the circle of life >
\ ____
\ / \
| ^__^ |
| (oo) |______
| (__) | )\/\
\____/|----w |
|| ||
Moofasa</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.mutilated" href="#Cowsay.mutilated"><code>Cowsay.mutilated</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function mutilated()</code></pre><p>A mutilated cow, from</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("I wouldn't have been so eager to make head cheese...", cow=Cowsay.mutilated)
/ I wouldn't have been so eager to make \
\ head cheese... /
\ \_______
v__v \ \ O )
(oo) ||----w |
(__) || || \/\</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.skeleton" href="#Cowsay.skeleton"><code>Cowsay.skeleton</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function skeleton()</code></pre><p>This 'Scowleton' brought to you by one of {appel,kube,rowe}</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("All T-Bone, no steak", cow=Cowsay.skeleton)
< All T-Bone, no steak >
\ (__)
\ /oo|
\ (_"_)*+++++++++*
I[I|I|||||I I `
I`I'///'' I I
~ ~ ~ ~
Scowleton</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.small" href="#Cowsay.small"><code>Cowsay.small</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function small()</code></pre><p>A small cow, artist unknown</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("A calf", cow=Cowsay.small)
< A calf >
\ ,__,
\ (..)____
(__) )\
||--|| *</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.supermilker" href="#Cowsay.supermilker"><code>Cowsay.supermilker</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function supermilker()</code></pre><p>A cow being milked, probably from Lars Smith (</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Paying the bills", cow=Cowsay.supermilker)
< Paying the bills >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______ ________
(__)\ )\/\ |Super |
||----W | |Milker|
|| UDDDDDDDDD|______|</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.three_eyes" href="#Cowsay.three_eyes"><code>Cowsay.three_eyes</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function three_eyes()</code></pre><p>A cow with three eyes, brought to you by</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("The better to see you with...", cow=Cowsay.three_eyes)
< The better to see you with... >
\ ^___^
\ (ooo)\_______
(___)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.udder" href="#Cowsay.udder"><code>Cowsay.udder</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function udder()</code></pre><p>The cow from a file called cow-n-horn, artist unknown.</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Milking time!", cow=Cowsay.udder)
< Milking time! >
\ (__)
o o\
('') \---------
\ \
| |\
||---( )_|| *
|| UU ||
== ==</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.vader" href="#Cowsay.vader"><code>Cowsay.vader</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function vader()</code></pre><p>Cowth Vader, from</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Luke, I am your father!", cow=Cowsay.vader)
< Luke, I am your father! >
\ ,-^-.
\ !oYo!
\ /./=\.\______
## )\/\
|| ||
Cowth Vader</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.www" href="#Cowsay.www"><code>Cowsay.www</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function www()</code></pre><p>A cow wadvertising the World Wide Web, from</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("My favorite site is MooTube", cow=Cowsay.www)
< My favorite site is MooTube >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||--WWW |
|| ||</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><h2 id="Mascots"><a class="docs-heading-anchor" href="#Mascots">Mascots</a><a id="Mascots-1"></a><a class="docs-heading-anchor-permalink" href="#Mascots" title="Permalink"></a></h2><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.blowfish" href="#Cowsay.blowfish"><code>Cowsay.blowfish</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function blowfish()</code></pre><p>A blowfish.</p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Bloop, bloop", cow=Cowsay.blowfish)
< Bloop, bloop >
| .
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</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.elephant" href="#Cowsay.elephant"><code>Cowsay.elephant</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function elephant()</code></pre><p>An elephant out and about</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Toot!", cow=Cowsay.elephant)
< Toot! >
\ /\ ___ /\
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| | | |
| | | |
| o |
| | | |
|m| |m|</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.tux" href="#Cowsay.tux"><code>Cowsay.tux</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function tux()</code></pre><p>TuX (c)</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Talk is cheap. Show me the code.", cow=Cowsay.tux)
< Talk is cheap. Show me the code. >
|o_o |
|:_/ |
// \ \
(| | )
/'\_ _/`\
\___)=(___/</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><h2 id="Cows-and-friends"><a class="docs-heading-anchor" href="#Cows-and-friends">Cows and friends</a><a id="Cows-and-friends-1"></a><a class="docs-heading-anchor-permalink" href="#Cows-and-friends" title="Permalink"></a></h2><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.dragon_and_cow" href="#Cowsay.dragon_and_cow"><code>Cowsay.dragon_and_cow</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function dragon_and_cow()</code></pre><p>A dragon smiting a cow, possible credit to</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Roast beef: it's what's for dinner", cow=Cowsay.dragon_and_cow)
< Roast beef: it's what's for dinner >
\ ^ /^
\ / \ // \
\ |\___/| / \// .\
\ /O O \__ / // | \ \ *----*
/ / \/_/ // | \ \ \ |
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,-} _ *-.|.-~-. .~ ~
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\____(oo) *. } { /
( (--) .----~-.\ \-` .~
//__\\ \__ Ack! ///.----..< \ _ -~
// \\ ///-._ _ _ _ _ _ _{^ - - - - ~</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.mech_and_cow" href="#Cowsay.mech_and_cow"><code>Cowsay.mech_and_cow</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function mech_and_cow()</code></pre><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Do you ever get that feeling...?", cow=Cowsay.mech_and_cow)
< Do you ever get that feeling...? >
\ ,-----.
/ | |
\ ,--| |-.
/ __,----| | | |
\ ,;:: | `_____' |
/ `._______| i^i |
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||----w|| ___,;`----'.___L_,-'`\__
|| || i_____;----\.____i""\____\</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="" href=""><code></code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function surgery()</code></pre><p>A cow operation, artist unknown</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Removing the last bit of net wrap now",
< Removing the last bit of net wrap now >
\ \ /
\ \/
(__) /\
(oo) O O
_\/_ //
* ( ) //
\ (\\ //
\( \\ )
( \\ ) /\
___[\______/^^^^^^^\__/) o-)__
||| || //|| |||
||| || @.|| |||
|| \/ .\/ ||
. .
COW-OPERATION</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><h2 id="Other"><a class="docs-heading-anchor" href="#Other">Other</a><a id="Other-1"></a><a class="docs-heading-anchor-permalink" href="#Other" title="Permalink"></a></h2><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.bunny" href="#Cowsay.bunny"><code>Cowsay.bunny</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function bunny()</code></pre><p>A cute little wabbit</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Look at that tortoise way off in the distance.", cow=Cowsay.bunny)
/ Look at that tortoise way off in the \
\ distance. /
\ \
\ /\
( )
.( o ).
</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.dragon" href="#Cowsay.dragon"><code>Cowsay.dragon</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function dragon()</code></pre><p>The Whitespace Dragon</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Roar!", cow=Cowsay.dragon)
< Roar! >
\ / \ //\
\ |\___/| / \// \\
/0 0 \__ / // | \ \
/ / \/_/ // | \ \
@_^_@'/ \/_ // | \ \
//_^_/ \/_ // | \ \
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( // /) '/,_ _ _/ ( ; -. | _ _\.-~ .-~~~^-.
(( / / )) ,-{ _ `-.|.-~-. .~ `.
(( // / )) '/\ / ~-. _ .-~ .-~^-. \
(( /// )) `. { } / \ \
(( / )) .----~-.\ \-' .~ \ `. \^-.
///.----..> \ _ -~ `. ^-` ^-_
///-._ _ _ _ _ _ _}^ - - - - ~ ~-- ,.-~
</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.elephant_in_snake" href="#Cowsay.elephant_in_snake"><code>Cowsay.elephant_in_snake</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function elephant_in_snake()</code></pre><p>Do we need to explain this?</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Help!", cow=Cowsay.elephant_in_snake)
< Help! >
\ ....
........ .
. .
. .
......... .......
Elephant inside ASCII snake
</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.eyes" href="#Cowsay.eyes"><code>Cowsay.eyes</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function eyes()</code></pre><p>Evil-looking eyes</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Mwah, ha, ha!", cow=Cowsay.eyes)
< Mwah, ha, ha! >
.!!!!!:. .:!!!!!!!!!!!!
~~~~!!!!!!. .:!!!!!!!!!UWWW$$$
:$$NWX!!: .:!!!!!!XUWW$$$$$$$$$P
$$$$$##WX!: .<!!!!UW$$$$" $$$$$$$$#
$$$$$ $$$UX :!!UW$$$$$$$$$ 4$$$$$*
^$$$B $$$$\ $$$$$$$$$$$$ d$$R"
"*$bd$$$$ '*$$$$$$$$$$$o+#"
"""" """""""</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.flaming_sheep" href="#Cowsay.flaming_sheep"><code>Cowsay.flaming_sheep</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function flaming_sheep()</code></pre><p>The flaming sheep, contributed by Geordan Rosario (</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Baaahhh!", cow=Cowsay.flaming_sheep)
< Baaahhh! >
\ . . .
\ . . . ` ,
\ .; . : .' : : : .
\ i..`: i` i.i.,i i .
\ `,--.|i |i|ii|ii|i:
|| ||</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="" href=""><code></code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function fox()</code></pre><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("What does the fox say?",
< What does the fox say? >
\ ,-. .-,
\ |-.\ __ /.-|
\ \ ` ` /
/_ _ \
< _`q p _ >
<.._=/ \=_. >
{ } \
|{ } \
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.-"";` `|
/ | /
`-../____,..---'`</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.kitty" href="#Cowsay.kitty"><code>Cowsay.kitty</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function kitty()</code></pre><p>A kitten of sorts, I think</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Meow", cow=Cowsay.kitty)
< Meow >
("`-' '-/") .___..--' ' "`-._
` *_ * ) `-. ( ) .`-.__. `)
(_Y_.) ' ._ ) `._` ; `` -. .-'
_.. `--'_..-_/ /--' _ .' ,4
( i l ),-'' ( l i),' ( ( ! .-'</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.koala" href="#Cowsay.koala"><code>Cowsay.koala</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function koala</code></pre><p>From the canonical koala collection</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Welcome to Down Under", cow=Cowsay.koala)
< Welcome to Down Under >
( Y )
(_)-(_)</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.meow" href="#Cowsay.meow"><code>Cowsay.meow</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function meow()</code></pre><p>A meowing tiger?</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("We're kind of stupid that way", cow=Cowsay.meow)
< We're kind of stupid that way >
\ , _ ___.--'''`--''//-,-_--_.
\`"' ` || \\ \ \\/ / // / ,-\\`,_
/'` \ \ || Y | \|/ / // / - |__ `-,
/@"\ ` \ `\ | | ||/ // | \/ \ `-._`-,_.,
/ _.-. `.-\,___/\ _/|_/_\_\/|_/ | `-._._)
`-'``/ / | // \__/\__ / \__/ \
`-' /-\/ | -| \__ \ |-' |
__/\ / _/ \/ __,-' ) ,' _|'
(((__/(((_.' ((___..-'((__,'</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.moose" href="#Cowsay.moose"><code>Cowsay.moose</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function moose()</code></pre><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Time to vamoose", cow=Cowsay.moose)
< Time to vamoose >
\ \_\_ _/_/
\ \__/
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.sheep" href="#Cowsay.sheep"><code>Cowsay.sheep</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function sheep()</code></pre><p>The non-flaming sheep.</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Baa", cow=Cowsay.sheep)
< Baa >
|| ||</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.stegosaurus" href="#Cowsay.stegosaurus"><code>Cowsay.stegosaurus</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function stegosaurus()</code></pre><p>A stegosaur with a top hat?</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("How do you do?", cow=Cowsay.stegosaurus)
< How do you do? >
\ . .
\ / `. .' "
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_____ ..-~ ~-..-~
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~-.__| /_ - ~ ^| /- _ `..-'
| / | / ~-. `-. _ _ _
|_____| |_____| ~ - . _ _ _ _ _></code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.turkey" href="#Cowsay.turkey"><code>Cowsay.turkey</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function turkey()</code></pre><p>Turkey!</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Gobble, gobble", cow=Cowsay.turkey)
< Gobble, gobble >
\ ,+*^^*+___+++_
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_+^^*+_ ( ,+*^ ^ \+_ )
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( ) _(^)^^)) ) )\^^^^^))^*+/ / /
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( ,/ (^))^)) ) ) ))^^^^^^^))^^) _)
*+__+* (_))^) ) ) ))^^^^^^))^^^^^)____*^
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___) >____) >___ ^\_\_\_\_\_\_\)
^^^//\\_^^//\\_^ ^(\_\_\_\)
^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.turtle" href="#Cowsay.turtle"><code>Cowsay.turtle</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function turtle()</code></pre><p>A mysterious turtle...</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Where is that pesky rabbit?", cow=Cowsay.turtle)
< Where is that pesky rabbit? >
\ ___-------___
\ _-~~ ~~-_
\ _-~ /~-_
/^\__/^\ /~ \ / \
/| O|| O| / \_______________/ \
| |___||__| / / \ \
| \ / / \ \
| (_______) /______/ \_________ \
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\ \^\\ \ / \ /
\ || \______________/ _-_ //\__//
\ ||------_-~~-_ ------------- \ --/~ ~\ || __/
~-----||====/~ |==================| |/~~~~~
(_(__/ ./ / \_\ \.
(_(___/ \_____)_)</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article><article class="docstring"><header><a class="docstring-binding" id="Cowsay.vader_koala" href="#Cowsay.vader_koala"><code>Cowsay.vader_koala</code></a> — <span class="docstring-category">Function</span></header><section><div><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">function vader_koala</code></pre><p>Another canonical koala?</p><p><strong>Example</strong></p><pre><code class="language-julia-repl hljs">julia> cowsay("Luke, you are my joey!", cow=Cowsay.vader_koala)
< Luke, you are my joey! >
\ .
.---. //
Y|o o|Y//
koala</code></pre></div><a class="docs-sourcelink" target="_blank" href="">source</a></section></article></article><nav class="docs-footer"><a class="docs-footer-prevpage" href="../">« Home</a><a class="docs-footer-nextpage" href="../cowfiles/">Make your own Cowfile »</a><div class="flexbox-break"></div><p class="footer-message">Powered by <a href="">Documenter.jl</a> and the <a href="">Julia Programming Language</a>.</p></nav></div><div class="modal" id="documenter-settings"><div class="modal-background"></div><div class="modal-card"><header class="modal-card-head"><p class="modal-card-title">Settings</p><button class="delete"></button></header><section class="modal-card-body"><p><label class="label">Theme</label><div class="select"><select id="documenter-themepicker"><option value="documenter-light">documenter-light</option><option value="documenter-dark">documenter-dark</option></select></div></p><hr/><p>This document was generated with <a href="">Documenter.jl</a> version 0.27.10 on <span class="colophon-date" title="Wednesday 11 May 2022 01:06">Wednesday 11 May 2022</span>. Using Julia version 1.7.2.</p></section><footer class="modal-card-foot"></footer></div></div></div></body></html>
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