2022-03-31 11:04:17 -04:00
# BioJulia Docker Image
2022-03-30 18:45:05 -04:00
2022-05-12 10:07:15 -04:00
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2022-03-31 11:04:17 -04:00
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2022-03-30 18:45:05 -04:00
2022-03-31 11:04:17 -04:00
Most of the [BioJulia] ecosystem made available as a single ready-made [Docker]
image. Built on top of my [JuliaPro image].
2022-03-30 18:45:05 -04:00
2022-03-31 11:36:33 -04:00
Note: the version of the image refers to the latest version of BioSequences that
will resolve in the Pkg environment.
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## Usage
The image is hosted on [Docker Hub], [Quay], and the [GitHub Container
Registry], and is compatible with [Docker], [Podman], and
[Singularity/Apptainer], and probably others.
2022-03-31 11:04:17 -04:00
docker pull millironx/biojulia:latest
podman pull quay.io/millironx/biojulia:latest
singularity pull docker://ghcr.io/millironx/biojulia:latest
2022-03-30 18:45:05 -04:00
The packages are installed in a depot in `/usr/local/share/julia` , so keep this
in mind when overwriting the [`JULIA_DEPOT_PATH`] variable. For more information
on the rationale for this and examples, see
- nf-core tools discussion: < https: // github . com / nf-core / tools / pull / 1317 >
- Alex Peltzer's blog: < https: // apeltzer . github . io / post / 03-julia-lang-nextflow >
## Included Packages
2022-03-31 11:34:56 -04:00
Everything from my [JuliaPro image], minus
- [ ] ~~[Flux](https://github.com/FluxML/Flux.jl)~~
- [ ] ~~[Metalhead](https://github.com/FluxML/Metalhead.jl)~~
- [ ] ~~[Knet](https://github.com/denizyuret/Knet.jl)~~
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### Programming Libraries
2022-03-31 11:34:56 -04:00
- [x] [Automa ](https://github.com/BioJulia/Automa.jl )
- [x] [BioGenerics ](https://github.com/BioJulia/BioGenerics.jl )
- [ ] ~~[BioTools](https://github.com/BioJulia/BioTools.jl)~~ (Dependent on
BioSequnces v1. Seriously?)
- [x] [PopGenCore ](https://github.com/BioJulia/PopGenCore.jl )
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### Biological Types
2022-03-31 11:34:56 -04:00
- [x] [BioAlignments ](https://github.com/MillironX/BioAlignments.jl )
- [x] [BioSequences ](https://github.com/BioJulia/BioSequences.jl )
2022-11-19 16:32:40 -05:00
- ~~[ ] [BioStructures ](https://github.com/BioJulia/BioStructures.jl )~~ (Dependency mismatch with BioAlignments)
2022-03-31 11:34:56 -04:00
- [x] [BioSymbols ](https://github.com/BioJulia/BioSymbols.jl )
2022-11-19 16:32:40 -05:00
- ~~[ ] [GenomeGraphs ](https://github.com/BioJulia/GenomeGraphs.jl )~~ (Dependency mismatch with BioAlignments)
2022-03-31 11:34:56 -04:00
- [x] [IntervalTrees ](https://github.com/BioJulia/IntervalTrees.jl )
- [x] [SubstitutionModels ](https://github.com/BioJulia/SubstitutionModels.jl )
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### File Formats
2022-03-31 11:34:56 -04:00
- [x] [BED ](https://github.com/BioJulia/BED.jl )
- [ ] ~~[BigBed](https://github.com/BioJulia/BigBed.jl)~~ (Dependency mismatch
with PopGen)
- [x] [BigWig ](https://github.com/BioJulia/BigWig.jl )
- [x] [FASTX ](https://github.com/BioJulia/FASTX.jl )
- [x] [GenomicAnnotations ](https://github.com/BioJulia/GenomicAnnotations.jl )
- [x] [GenomicFeatures ](https://github.com/BioJulia/GenomicFeatures.jl )
2022-11-19 16:39:05 -05:00
- ~~[ ] [GFF3 ](https://github.com/BioJulia/GFF3.jl )~~ (Dependency mismatch with FASTX)
2022-03-31 11:34:56 -04:00
- [x] [MMTF ](https://github.com/BioJulia/MMTF.jl )
- [x] [TwoBit ](https://github.com/BioJulia/TwoBit.jl )
- [x] [VariantCallFormat ](https://github.com/rasmushenningsson/VariantCallFormat.jl )
- [x] [XAM ](https://github.com/MillironX/XAM.jl )
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### Analyses
2022-11-19 16:32:40 -05:00
- ~~[ ] [KmerAnalysis ](https://github.com/BioJulia/KmerAnalysis.jl )~~ (Dependency mismatch with BioAlignments)
2022-03-31 11:34:56 -04:00
- [x] [PopGen ](https://github.com/BioJulia/PopGen.jl.git )
2022-07-27 14:04:57 -04:00
- [x] [SequenceVariation ](https://BioJulia/SequenceVariation.jl )
2022-03-31 11:04:17 -04:00
### Compression Codecs and File Processing
2022-03-31 11:34:56 -04:00
- [x] [BGZFStreams ](https://github.com/BioJulia/BGZFStreams.jl )
- [x] [CodecBase ](https://github.com/bicycle1885/CodecBase.jl )
- [x] [CodecBzip2 ](https://github.com/bicycle1885/CodecBzip2.jl )
- [x] [CodecLz4 ](https://github.com/invenia/CodecLz4.jl )
- [x] [CodecXz ](https://github.com/bicycle1885/CodecXz.jl )
- [x] [CodecZlib ](https://github.com/bicycle1885/CodecZlib.jl )
- [x] [CodecZstd ](https://github.com/bicycle1885/CodecZstd.jl )
- [x] [Indexes ](https://github.com/BioJulia/Indexes.jl )
- [x] [TranscodingStreams ](https://github.com/JuliaIO/TranscodingStreams.jl )
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### Data Storage and Retrieval
2022-03-31 11:34:56 -04:00
- [x] [BioServices ](https://github.com/BioJulia/BioServices.jl )
2022-11-19 16:32:40 -05:00
- ~~[ ] [ReadDatastores ](https://github.com/BioJulia/ReadDatastores.jl )~~ (Dependency mismatch with BioAlignments)
2022-03-30 18:45:05 -04:00
[`JULIA_DEPOT_PATH`]: https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/environment-variables/#JULIA_DEPOT_PATH
2022-03-31 11:04:17 -04:00
[biojulia]: https://biojulia.net
2022-03-30 18:45:05 -04:00
[docker hub]: https://hub.docker.com
[docker]: https://www.docker.com
[github container registry]: https://ghcr.io
2022-03-31 11:04:17 -04:00
[juliapro image]: https://github.com/MillironX/docker-JuliaPro
2022-03-30 18:45:05 -04:00
[podman]: https://podman.io
[quay]: https://quay.io
[singularity/apptainer]: https://apptainer.org