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Project.toml | ||
JuliaPro Docker Image
Remember that clunky Atom-based Julia distribution that gave Julia LTS a UI and debugger similar to Matlab and already included all the packages you could possibly think to use? Remember JuliaPro?
This is JuilaPro in a Docker image1.
The image is hosted on Docker Hub, Quay, and the GitHub Container Registry, and is compatible with Docker, Podman, and Singularity/Apptainer, and probably others.
docker pull millironx/juliapro:latest
podman pull quay.io/millironx/juliapro:latest
singularity pull docker://ghcr.io/millironx/juliapro:latest
The packages are installed in a depot in /usr/local/share/julia
, so keep this
in mind when overwriting the JULIA_DEPOT_PATH
variable. For more information
on the rationale for this and examples, see
- nf-core tools discussion: https://github.com/nf-core/tools/pull/1317
- Alex Peltzer's blog: https://apeltzer.github.io/post/03-julia-lang-nextflow
Included Packages
The following packages were included in JuliaPro as of April 26, 2020 according to the Wayback Machine. A checkmark indicates the package was included in this image, clear boxes indicate that it couldn't be included. I've included several other packages that I consider essential today at the bottom of the list.
General Programming
- DataStructures
- LightGraphs
Atom(Interop meaningless in container)- JuliaWebAPI
IJulia(Soft dependency on Python, which isn't included in the container)- Nettle
- NearestNeighbors
- Parameters
- ParserCombinator
- Libz
- BenchmarkTools
Rebugger(Errors on precompilation)- Debugger
General Math
- Calculus
- DataFrames
- StatsBase
- Distributions
- HypothesisTests
- OnlineStats
- DifferentialEquations
SymPy(No Python in container)- KernelDensity
- Zygote
Building UIs and Visualization
PyPlot(No Python in container)- Interact
- LaTeXStrings
- Formatting
- Images
- Plots
- GR
- UnicodePlots
- ImageMagick
- StatsPlots
- PGFPlots
Deep Learning and Machine Learning
- Knet
- Clustering
- DecisionTree
- MLBase
- Flux
TensorFlow(Dependency conflict with Flux: opted for Flux over TensorFlow)- Metalhead
ScikitLearn(No Python in container)
Interoperability with Other Languages
All interoperability has been lost due to not including the other languages in this image.
RCall (Interoperability with R)JavaCall (Java)PyCall (Python)Conda (Python dependencies)JuliaInXL (Microsoft Excel)
File and Data Formats
- JLD2
- LightXML
- StaticArrays
- ProtoBuf
CuArrays(Package deprecated and depends on GPU hardware)
Economics and Finance
- QuantEcon
- BusinessDays
Bloomberg(Empty package -- maybe proprietary?)Blpapi (Bloomberg connector)(Package unavailable)Miletus(Package old enough to require more downgrades than I'm comfortable with)
My Own Additions
This image doesn't include Juno, just the curated packages. ↩︎