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Websites</a></nav></aside><main><section><h5>AIChE Annual Meeting: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania</h5><h2>Measuring Diffusion of Trichlorethylene Breakdown Products in Polyvinylalginate</h2><h3><small><a href=/people/thomas-a.-christensen-ii/ class="card-link
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Thomas A. Christensen II</a>
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Samuel R. Wolfe</a>
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Jonathan Counts</a>
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Mark F. Roll</a>
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Kristopher v. Waynant</a>
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James G. Moberly</a></small></h3><h4>October 29, 2018</h4><p>Trichloroethylene (TCE), a toxic and carcinogenic contaminant, presents unique
2022-10-24 12:20:17 -04:00
challenges for cleanup because of its water solubility, density, and volatility.
Bioremediation of TCE is a promising cleanup method; however, metabolism of TCE
results in acid generation that inhibits remediating microorganisms. Calcium
alginate(CA)-polyvinylalcohol (PVA) hydrogels show promise for protecting
remediating microbes, however diffusion of TCE or its byproducts through these
polymers is unknown. To measure the effective diffusion coefficient of TCE and
byproducts through hydrogel membranes, we used a modified diaphragm cell.
Measured effective diffusion coefficient of each species was (cm <sup>2</sup>
× 10<sup>6</sup>
): 14.0 ± 1.91 for H<sup>+</sup>
ions, 12.4 ± 1.64 for TCE,
7.83 ± 0.54 for cis-1,2-dichloroethylene (DCE), and 4.68 ± 4.14 for vinyl
chloride. These results aid in engineering biobeads and suggest that CA-PVA
hydrogel blends are effective in slowing diffusion of protons, buffering acids
produced by trichloroethylene metabolism, and remains suitable for encapsulation
of microorganisms involved in bioremediation.</p><a href=/academia/pva-aiche/measuring_diffusion_of_trichloroethylene.pdf>/academia/pva-aiche/measuring_diffusion_of_trichloroethylene.pdf</a>
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