
52 lines
1.6 KiB
Go Template

{{ $data := dict }}
{{ $url := "" }}
{{ with resources.GetRemote $url }}
{{ with .Err }}
{{ errorf "Unable to get remote resource %s: %s" $url . }}
{{ else }}
{{ $data = . | transform.Unmarshal }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ errorf "Unable to get remote resource %s" $url }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $ }}
{{ $content := dict "mediaType" "text/markdown" "value" .description }}
{{ $dates := dict "date" (time.AsTime (default .publishedAt .originallyPublishedAt)) }}
{{ $categories := slice "video" }}
{{ $people := slice "Thomas A. Christensen II" }}
{{ $link := .url }}
{{ $params := dict
"categories" $categories
"people" $people
"link" $link
"featured" true
{{ $page := dict
"content" $content
"dates" $dates
"title" .name
"path" .name
"params" $params
{{ $.AddPage $page }}
{{ $item := . }}
{{ with $thumbnailPath := $item.thumbnailPath }}
{{ $url := print "" $thumbnailPath }}
{{ with resources.GetRemote $url }}
{{ with .Err }}
{{ errorf "Unable to get remote resource %s: %s" $url . }}
{{ else }}
{{ $content := dict "mediaType" .MediaType.Type "value" .Content }}
{{ $resource := dict
"content" $content
"path" (print $ "/thumbnail." .MediaType.SubType)
{{ $.AddResource $resource }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ errorf "Unable to get remote resource %s" $url }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}