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StarLIMS Data Pull

Pulls positive SC2 sample IDs and relavant dates from StarLIMS.

NOTE: These scripts are encrypted, but are generally intended for use on Windows machines. Decrypt them on a Linux/Mac machine using the entire repo instructions, then copy over using a secure flash drive or similar method.


Double-click refresh-lims-data.bat in any location.


This script requires Miniconda.

  1. Download and install Miniconda
    1. Select "Just Me" when asked who to install for
    2. All other default options will work
  2. Press Win+R, type %USERPROFILE% and press Enter
  3. Create a new folder called limsdatapull
  4. Copy all of the decrypted files to limsdatapull
  5. Open Anaconda console (not PowerShell) from the Start Menu
  6. Run conda create -n limsdatapull -f %USERPROFILE%\limsdatapull\limsdatapull.yaml
  7. Answer y to all the prompts
  8. Close the console
  9. (Optional) Copy refresh-lims-data.bat to the Desktop
  10. (Optional) Set up a scheduled task to run refresh-lims-data.bat regularly

When refresh-lims-data.bat is run, a new file called SeqenceDatabase.xlsx will be added to limsdatapull. This file can be referenced by other spreadsheets for efficient and timely lookup data from StarLIMS.