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All inputs are optional! :sunglasses: By default, this action will install the [latest stable release](https://nextflow.io/docs/latest/getstarted.html#stable-edge-releases) of Nextflow. You can optionally pick a different version, or choose to install all versions.
A version string to specify the version of Nextflow to install. This version number will try to resolve using [npm's semantic versioning](https://github.com/npm/node-semver), so
-`version: 21`
-`version: 21.10`
-`version: 21.10.6`
will all download Nextflow version 21.10.6 as of 13 June 2022. Since Nextflow does not use true semantic versioning, you should **always** specify at least the minor version (e.g. `version: 21.10`).
Edge releases are resolved as pre-release, see <https://github.com/npm/node-semver#prerelease-tags> for more details. In short, in nearly all cases, passing an `-edge` release to this action will need to specify the _exact_ edge release targeted.
There are three (technically four) aliases to assist in choosing up-to-date Nextflow versions.
This will download the latest _edge_ release of Nextflow. Note that edge releases may be _older_ than the latest stable release. See https://github.com/nextflow-io/nextflow/issues/2467
A boolean deciding whether to download the "all versions" distribution of Nextflow. May be useful for running tests against multiple versions downstream.