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# nf-core/taxprofiler: Changelog
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## dev
### `Added`
- [#276]( Implemented batching in the KrakenUniq samples processing. (added by @Midnighter)
- [#272]( - Add saving of final 'analysis-ready-reads' to dedicated directory. (❤️ to @alexhbnr for reporting, added by @jfy133)
### `Fixed`
- [#271]( Improved standardised table generation documentation nd mOTUs manual database download tutorial (♥ to @prototaxites for reporting, fix by @jfy133)
- [#269]( Reduced output files in AWS full test output due to very large files
- [#270]( Fixed warning for host removal index parameter, and improved index checks (♥ to @prototaxites for reporting, fix by @jfy133)
- [#274]( Substituted the samtools/bam2fq module with samtools/fastq module (fix by @sofstam)
- [#275]( Replaced function used for error reporting to more Nextflow friendly method (fix by @jfy133)
- [#285]( Fixed overly large log files in Kraken2 output (♥ to @prototaxites for reporting, fix by @Midnighter & @jfy133)
- [#286]( Runtime optimisation of MultiQC step via improved log file processing (fix by @Midnighter & @jfy133)
## v1.0.1 - Dodgy Dachshund Patch [2023-05-15]
### `Added`
### `Fixed`
- [#291]( - Fix Taxpasta not receiving taxonomy directory (❤️ to @SannaAb for reporting, fix by @jfy133)
### `Dependencies`
### `Deprecated`
## v1.0.0 - Dodgy Dachshund [2023-03-13]
Initial release of nf-core/taxprofiler, created with the [nf-core]( template.
- Add read quality control (sequencing QC, adapter removal and merging)
- Add read complexity filtering
- Add host-reads removal step
- Add run merging
- Add taxonomic classification
- Add taxon table standardisation
- Add post-classification visualisation
### `Added`
### `Fixed`
### `Dependencies`
### `Deprecated`