You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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module Kelpie
import EzXML: link!, EzXML
export html
export html_div
export html_element
# :div, Special case: we don't want to override the Base.div function
link_or_text!(node, content...)
Converts each `content` to an `EzXML.TextNode` if it isn't already an `EzXML.Node` and links
it to `node`.
julia> import EzXML: ElementNode, prettyprint; import Kelpie: link_or_text!
julia> prettyprint(link_or_text!(ElementNode("div"), ElementNode("br")))
julia> prettyprint(link_or_text!(ElementNode("h1"), "Kelpie.jl"))
julia> prettyprint(link_or_text!(ElementNode("div"), "The end", ElementNode("hr")))
<div>The end<hr/></div>
function link_or_text!(node, content...)
for con in content
if !isnothing(con)
if typeof(con) <: EzXML.Node
link!(node, con)
link!(node, EzXML.TextNode(string(con)))
end #if
end #if
end #for
return node
end #function
html_element(name, content...=nothing; kwargs...)
Creates a new `EzXML.Node` with name `name`, containing `content`, and with attributes
specified by `kwargs`.
# Example
julia> import EzXML: prettyprint
julia> prettyprint(html_element("img"; src=""))
<img src=""/>
julia> prettyprint(html_element("span", "MillironX"; class="label-primary"))
<span class="label-primary">MillironX</span>
function html_element(name::AbstractString, content...=nothing; kwargs...)
el = EzXML.ElementNode(name)
for (key, value) in kwargs
link!(el, EzXML.AttributeNode(replace(string(key), "_" => "-"), string(value)))
end #for
if !isnothing(content)
link_or_text!(el, content...)
end #if
return el
end #function
html(content...=nothing; kwargs...)
Creates a new HTML document filled with `content`.
# Example
julia> import EzXML: prettyprint
julia> prettyprint(html())
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM "about:legacy-compat">
function html(content...=nothing; kwargs...)
doc = EzXML.HTMLDocumentNode("about:legacy-compat", nothing)
node = html_element("html", content...; kwargs...)
link!(doc, node)
return doc
end #function
for symbol in HTML_ELEMENTS
name = string(symbol)
@eval function $symbol(content...=nothing; kwargs...)
return html_element($name, content...; kwargs...)
end #function
@eval export $symbol
function html_div(content...=nothing; kwargs...)
return html_element("div", content...; kwargs...)
end #function
end #module