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name: Feature Request
description: A new idea to make Kelpie even more robust
title: "[Feature]: "
labels: [enhancement]
- type: markdown
value: |
> _Thanks for adding fresh ideas to Kelpie!_ :smile:
> _This template is rather extensive. Please fill out all that you can, but remember that it is only a tool: if you feel anything is not relevant, simply leave it blank._
- type: textarea
id: summary
label: Summary
description: Give a clear and concise description of what you want
- type: textarea
id: function
label: New Function(s)
description: |
Explain the signature and output of a new API function, in a similar style to that of [Julia docstrings](
render: Markdown
- type: textarea
id: usage
label: Example Usage
description: |
Provide a minimum working example of how this feature would work
render: Julia
- type: textarea
id: context
label: Context
description: |
Tell us what you are trying to accomplish and/or how this feature would affect users in the "real world"
- type: textarea
id: alternatives
label: Alternatives
description: |
Explain what you're doing now, or if any other tools/packages come close to this feature
- type: textarea
id: implementation
label: Possible Implementation
description: |
_Optional, but highly useful_
If you can figure out a good entry point in the code, or have a one-liner that could be a good starting place, list it here. Even better, if you know a way to implement it, explain that here.