* Initial work on yara module
* Adding in index basics
* Updated the index stuff
* Adding in proper tests
* Fix editorconfig
* Odd paths
* that should do it
* Fix tests
* Fix tests
* Once more
* Mapping is not deterministic
* Re-organise all test data
* Fix ECLint
* Fix ECLint agaaainn
* Now is not the time EClint
* Initial commit for test data config
* Rename test data
* Include test config
* Update indents
* Update test for FastQC via config
* Remove quotes of bottom-level variables
* Use underscores in key names
* Get tests working for fastp
* Remove whitespace at beginning of file
* nf-core template created
* boilerplate and sarek_dsl2 code merged
* adding an option to give it args
* bai got away
* seperating vcf files and vcf index files into seperate streams
* some minor spacefixes
* adding standard information about the module
* removing typos
* some basic tests based on tiddit tests
* removed the bed parameter, should be provided via options.args instead
* removing typos
* adding indexed bam file instead
* Adding changing out fasta with reference to deal with empty fasta input
* adding the correct fasta
* removing the empty test
* adding the correct data to the testoutput and removing the md5sum since
it constantly changes
* adding target_bed to input
* adding info on target bed
* adding target bed to test
* adding more files to the test
* adding meta for target bed test
* adding a test for target_bed
* typo
* fixing pytest with master
* Add default output dir for modules that create indices
* Change path for index module test output
* Fix bowtie2/align tests
* Fixing bowtie/align tests
* Fix genomegenerate test
* Fixing README linting
* Adding in optitype prototype (To be worked on these days)
* I've tried my best 😆
* No idea
* Add in YML stuff
* Fix paths
* Ok, lets try this
* Adding proper options
* Replacec configbuilder thing
* Fix seq_type
* Adding human bam - sarscov doesnt work
* Fix a bunch of things
* -def
* Make this test run
* Fancy as fuck
* Update tests/software/optitype/test.yml
* Add proper tag
* Remove md5sums
Co-authored-by: Kevin Menden <kevin.menden@t-online.de>
* Inital nf-core create
* remove TODO comments, input and output files defined
* add get version in script
* added flow control for single/paired end data
* added script main commands
* removed completed TODO messages
* removed completed TODO messages
* added software info
* added input reads description
* added output description
* added description and keywords
* added single end test
* added paired end test
* fixed sample name flag
* fixed reverse read variable
* added test yaml
* update for pytest_software
* order in pytest_software was different
* replaced functions.nf with copy from another module
* simplify read command line
Co-authored-by: Harshil Patel <drpatelh@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Nicholas TODA <nicholas.toda@mnhn.fr>
Co-authored-by: Harshil Patel <drpatelh@users.noreply.github.com>
* add bismark/align module
* bismark/align: add tests
* bismark/align: update meta.yml
* bismark/align: skip checksum for alignment logs
they contain timestamps
* bismark/align: restore correct checksum
caused some mixup in the last commit
* bismark/align: add genome_preparation to filters
* Fix conda version pin
* change options to be a global var
* remove params from meta.yml
* add bismark/summary
* remove md5sum check for bismark_summary_report.html
it contains a timestamp
* fix tests
* update meta.yml
* remove mysterious index files
* add bismark/align module
* bismark/align: add tests
* bismark/align: update meta.yml
* bismark/align: skip checksum for alignment logs
they contain timestamps
* bismark/align: restore correct checksum
caused some mixup in the last commit
* bismark/align: add genome_preparation to filters
* Fix conda version pin
* change options to be a global var
* remove params from meta.yml
* add bismark/report
* fix test filepaths
* remove mysterious index files
* add bismark/methylation_extractor
* add tests for bismark/methylation_extractor
* bismark/methylation_extractor: add genome_preparation to filters
* Apply suggestions from code review
Co-authored-by: Harshil Patel <drpatelh@users.noreply.github.com>
* remove params from meta.yml
* pytest: remove md5sum checks for gzipped output
gzip stores timestamps in the file header, so the checksum will be different each time
Co-authored-by: Harshil Patel <drpatelh@users.noreply.github.com>
* Remove def from module options definition in main
* Fix bismark_deduplicate tests
* Fix bwameth_align tests
* Fixing gatk4 conda tests ("=" instead of ':' in build id)
* Same as previous commit (Fix gatk4 test)
* Fix qualimap bamqc test (no md5 check for pngs)
* Fix seqkit split2 tests. Changed to new test data
* Fix samtools tests. Some were missing initOptions include
* Removing TOOL SUBTOOL template module since now it is included on tools repo
* initial data restructuing
* fixed bedtools_complement
* fixed bedtools_genomecov
* fixed bedtools_getfasta
* fixed bedtools_intersect
* fixed bedtools maskfasta
* fixed bedtools_merge
* fixed bedtools_slop
* fixed bedtools_sort
* fixed bismark_genome_preparation
* fixed blast
* fixed bowtie data
* fixed bowtie2 data
* fixed bwa data
* fixed bwamem2 data usage
* fixed cat_fastq data
* fixed cutadapt data
* fixed dsh data
* fixed fastp data
* fixed fastqc; fixed bug with wrong fastq format
* fixed gatk
* fixed data for gffread, gunzip
* fixed ivar paths
* fixed data paths for minimap2
* fixed mosdepth
* fixed multiqc, pangolin
* fixed picard data paths
* fixed data paths for qualimap, quast
* fixed salmon data paths
* fixed samtools paths
* fixed seqwish, stringtie paths
* fixed tabix, trimgalore paths
* cleaned up data
* added first description to README
* changed test data naming again; everything up to bwa fixed
* everything up to gatk4
* fixed everything up to ivar
* fixed everything up to picard
* everything up to quast
* everything fixed up to stringtie
* switched everyting to 'test' naming scheme
* fixed samtools and ivar tests
* cleaned up README a bit
* add (simulated) methylation test data
based on SARS-CoV-2 genome; simulated with Sherman --non_dir --genome sarscov2/fasta/ --paired -n 10000 -l 100 --CG 20 --CH 90
* bwameth/align: update data paths and checksums
also, build index on the go
* bwameth/index: update data paths and checksums
* methyldackel/extract: update data paths and checksums
* methyldackel/mbias: update data paths and checksums
* bismark/deduplicate: update data paths and checksums
* remove obsolete testdata
* remove empty 'dummy_file.txt'
* update data/README.md
* methyldackel: fix test
* Revert "methyldackel: fix test"
This reverts commit f175a32d144b1b0bfa0c6885da80c51e3cfe038a.
* methyldackel: fix test
for real
* move test.genome.sizes
* changed test names
* switched genomic to genome and transcriptome
* fix bedtools, blast
* fix gtf, tabix, .paf
* fix bowtie,bwa,bwameth
* fixed: bwa, bwamem, gatk, gffread, quast
* fixed bismark and blast
* fixed remaining tests
* delete bam file
Co-authored-by: phue <patrick.huether@gmail.com>